All Saints Cathedral AGM 24th March, 2013
Motion 10 (latest)
Motions for ASC AGM 2013 on 24th March, 2013.
Motion 11
All Saints’ Cathedral is urged to
make POLICE reports on the following matters amongst many yet to surface:-
The rape of a minor in All Saints’ Cathedral
ground in a children camp in August, 2011.
The ordination of unqualified persons
as priests by Bishop of Sabah;
The electoral rolls of ASC likely to
include non Malaysians and dubious citizens with project IC.
The presence of several police
personnel including a patrol car in the church of ASCon 29th August,
The press report in the Church of
England newspaper in January, 2013 on the corruption in the Province of South
East Asia and the Bishop of Sabah as accused of financial misconduct.
The ‘theft’ of fixed assets of the
Deanery and the Bishop Lodge when the previous occupants moved out.
The massive deficits of the All
Saints’ Cathedral of 2010 and 2011.
The inappropriate approval of the
House of Celebration worth RM30m.
The three massive blogs are allowed to prevail
or exist.
The sudden closure of All Saints’
The existence of All Saints
Anglican Academy once with unqualified
principal just resigned in December, 2012.
The truth must be restored to the
Anglican Diocese of Sabah for public assurance.
No multiple standards allowed.
The rule of law must prevail.
Good governance and public accountability.
Punitive measures to be applied.
Proposed by Joshua Kong second by: ????? anyone ???
Motion 10 (latest)
All Saints Cathedral AGM 24th March, 2013
Motion 10
All Saints’ Cathedral being the mother church since 1911 in
Sabah (North Borneo) and major contributors in resources (money and manpower) for
many years especially in the last few decades to the Diocese of Sabah (DoS) urge major reformation of the Anglican Church in Sabah by
redefining the role and structure of DoS with a new Constitution and a new structure
to be relevant and compliant in the context of biblical scriptures so as to
conserve the resources especially tithe of the Anglican churches in Sabah when
DoS is not a church.
DoS may have served the Anglican Church in Sabah when it is small or even medium when it is a
departure of sort from the Biblical teaching on tithes for 50 years
DoS is not a church and yet the Diocesan Assessment has
allowed the Tithes of church to be diverted in a major portion .to DoS when DoS
is not a store house.
DoS has failed in its trusteeship of the Bishop to God
and Man, .the structures in place for the lopsided and scant Constitution of
DoS have become subservient to the Bishop of Sabah. The Standing Committee of DoS, the Diocesan
Chancellor, the Diocesan Treasurer, and
the bias Synod have failed miserably in the context of the prevailing
Constitution. The Diocesan Synod of 2012
was illegal and not functional in all features it was meant to be with or
without the Constitution.
The Bishop with dual purpose in role in the DoS and
supposed claimed to be the head of the Anglican church is not attached to any church
in the spiritual context and failed miserably in the handling of secular
matters of the Anglican church..
The Diocesan Synod 2012 could not handle the biennial
meeting held in 30 August, 2012 to 1st September, 2012 in the manner of the proper order aided by
deceitful crocodile tears of the questioned and challenged Bishop of Sabah especially
not transparent, irresponsible, not accountable for the funds of the Anglican
church in Sabah held under the Bishop of Sabah in the Diocese of Sabah.
The Letter of Management of the honorary Audit with
massive indicators of financial frauds of the DoS for the years 2010 and 2011
was simply brushed off by the Bishop,
the Treasurer, the Chancellor and ultimately ignored by the said Synod meeting.
Todate, the very much talk of rectifying/addressing the issues of letter
of management has been swept under the carpets for reasons best known to the
few key persons namely the Bishop, the secretary, the treasurer and the
When the whole system of 50 years as deficient and
highlighted by recent events of six years since 2006, it is timely that the
system be reformed for the Glory of God especially when the Bishop in confirmed
incapable to be honest and faithful to his pledge to God for proper order in
the Anglican church. The most simple and
humble things for the Bishop to have failed to do is to answer all questions of
All Saints’ Cathedral and sister churches in Kota Kinabalu put forth to him to
justify his ministry and instead we have seen many manipulations in the DoS.
Proposed by Joshua Kong
13th February, 2013
Seconded by ……………………
NB: It is not
judgemental but an assessment of the failed system and the same motions should
be presented in all churches subject to the annual Diocesan Assessment.
Motions for ASC AGM 2013 on 24th March, 2013.
Motion 1.
We would appeal to the Bishop of Sabah to amend the Article
XIII Cathedral Chapter of The Constitution of
Diocese of Sabah in sub section 3 as “In the event of the departure or
transfer or retirement of the Dean, the Bishop shall be the acting Dean until a
suitable successor is appointed” to be amended to ““In the event of the
departure or transfer or retirement of the Dean, the Bishop shall be the acting
Dean until a suitable successor is appointed AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AND WITHIN TWO
It is too much for a Bishop to carry out the dual important
positions effectively and without conflict of interests for too long. This would discourage the Bishop to remove
the Dean and assume that position for any reason.
Motion 2
The Composition of the Council
Under clause ( c ) of Article VIII where “Any other clergy and lay workers
licensed by the Bishop to serve in the Parish” shall be observers status only.
1. Cannot be in PCC to approve any projects even likely to
be failed or wasteful ones so as in check and balance not to be defeated if the
elected members of the PCC are out
numbered by the voting rights of the Clause C.
2. To avoid the presence of Clause ( C ) to form the quorum of the PCC or the
meeting becomes irrelevant.
Motion 3
In the Conduct of Annual General Meeting
The Motions and the audited accounts together with the
previous AGM minutes and Reports must be made available in hard copy one week
before the AGM and issued to those who are entitled to receive them.
This is enable proper good governance.
Motion 4
The AGM minutes must be ready within one month of the AGM as
concluded. Such minute must be verified
within 45 days from date of AGM by a
verification committee consisting 2 member of clergy, 3 members of
outgoing/incoming members plus 5 ordinary members attending the AGM. The minute must be fully signed and confirmed
as correct.
It is useless for all practical purposes to amend any
issues of the AGM minute at the next AGM.
Most people may not remember the issues raised one year earlier.
The AGM minutes would be the guidelines for the PCC to
operate in the basis year concerned hence accurate AGM minutes are important.
Unsigned and unverified AGM minutes are worthless in
term of transparency and good governance.
Motion 5
Major projects above RM30,000
Any major projects above RM30,000 at any time in the basis
year should be approved by an EGM unless it was already approved at the
previous AGM. A proper project paper
would be desirable at the EGM.
Such good practice would allow the budget be an
effective instrument for proper financial management.
To stop any possible selective abuses.
Motion 6
Amendment to ASC Constitution
It is proposed that the ASC Constitution be amended by a
committee with at least 50% members from ASC.
It is also proposed that an exposure draft be published for members of
ASC within 6 months of the first sitting of this committee with feed back
within 30 days. Then the final draft be
ready within nine months of the first sitting.
The amendments should include items wherever relevant raised in the 5
motions above. The committee should also
consider whatever views received from members until the exposure draft is
- The amendments in Constitution of ASC must give proper directions (both ways) of the Constitutions of ASC and ADOS.
- The amendments in Constitution of ASC must include some punitive measures for non compliance and the process of settlement whenever disputes arise..
Proposed by Joshua Y. C. Kong. Any seconded please .............................
some more motions to come..
Motion 7
We demand for a full investigation of the performance of the acting Dean since 2006 in ASC. An investigation committee be formed in this AGM to look into all aspects of ASC.
1. Accountability, responsibility, transparency, good governance missing especially no answers to Joshua Kong's 30 questions with many parts submitted to the ASC since 1st January, 2013.
2. To find corrective actions for all abuses and quantify such abuses wherever possible.
3. To recommend whatever punitive measures to the PHoBs and higher authorities within and without.
Motion 8
We demand that Datuk Albert Vun resign as Bishop of Sabah as it is proven he is unfit to manage the Doicese of Sabah especially his failed six years as the acting Dean of the mother church of All Saints' Cathedral. We call upon him to do restitution of losses in the ADOS for all the years in ADOS..
1. The reasons aplenty are visible.
2. AVCF is a total liability to remain Bishop.
3. Total loss of confidence.
Motion 9
We call for a full review of the
Diocesan Assessment for All Saints Cathedral
in the context of Biblical
interpretation and administrative justice for God as money
or tithe collected
by ASC has been diverted to the Diocese of Sabah which is not a church.
Uniformity, accountability and
transparency for the system.
ASC has its own sister churches but
not accountable to ASC.
ASC has no say in how the money
under the Diocesan Assessment has been deployed in the Synod.
The Synod accounts for 2010 and 2011
did not disclose the Diocesan Assessment
Much of income of ASC has been
diverted to Diocesan account directly.
Are the tithe really going for God’s
use and fair distribution?
Proposed by Joshua Kong
NB: this motion can be presented to those churches under this system.
more on motion 5---
ReplyDeleteMotion 5
Major projects above RM30,000
Any major projects above RM30,000 at any time in the basis year should be approved by an EGM unless it was already approved at the previous AGM. A proper project paper would be desirable at the EGM.
More reasons:-
Who is to supervise the 5 quotations unless the quotations have a proper system and opened to the members of the church and PCC?
There is no quotation box in ASC?
Some 5 persons (linked) can gang up to fix the best price to be shared if it is RM200,000.
To call an EGM would mean, better planning ahead and good governance for all proposed projects above RM30K to be approved at the AGM with proper project paper. When we say RM30K, it can be any amount. Who had actually approved the HoC worth RM30m in ASC ground?
We do not encourage too many ad hoc projects which can also be broken into several lesser amounts below RM30k for each portion.
Like giving RM70K to Sulaman Anglican Church, who has approved that? Do we know if RM70K is well spent with documentary support and a report.
Sulaman Anglican Church was already bought a few year ago and we do not know where the money comes from?
So maybe we amend the motion 5 to be more specific.
What about money spent for missions (hard and soft) in excess of RM30K?