also here:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Joshua Kong <>
Date: Tue, Jan 1, 2013 at 10:22 PM
Subject: Re: Prior Questions / comments for All Saints’ Cathedral
To: Albert Vun <>
Cc: Rev Thiam Choy <>,, Rosalind Liew <>,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Joshua Kong <>
Date: Tue, Jan 1, 2013 at 10:22 PM
Subject: Re: Prior Questions / comments for All Saints’ Cathedral
To: Albert Vun <>
Cc: Rev Thiam Choy <>,, Rosalind Liew <>,
Joshua Y. C. Kong, P. O Box
11923, 88821 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah 013-8394513
1 January, 2013
The Acting Dean / Dean,
All Saints’ Cathedral,
Kota Kinabalu. Cc : YTC and CSF RL
Dear Rev Acting Dean / Dean,
Re: Prior Questions / comments for All Saints’ Cathedral to be
presented at the AGM on 24th March
I am asking a range of questions
early because of the new Dean coming to ASC and who I believe would not be in
the position to answer all the questions and issues to be raised at the AGM and
any “no answer’ cannot be accepted and be subject to Police Report later.
So to avoid unpleasant scenario,
please help all to get good and true answers now. If the answers given now would reduce the
volume of my questions and comments at the AGM 2013.
Q1. Employees and staff of ASC
Please provide a list of
employees /staff / clergies / pastors of ASC since 2006 together with private addresses and NRIC
for the purpose of vetting as it is alleged that at least one priest of the
ADOS is a project IC holder. Would
appreciate the relevant staff records. I
am asking since 2006 so that we can be clear that all personnel although
engaged by the ADOS have worked in ASC.
Q1.2 Bonus paid in all since
Please provide a list of all
personnel paid bonus in ASC since 2006 and the amount so paid..
Q2. Membership list of
members in Roll who can vote at AGM.
Q2.1 Please provide a copy of the Roll list as pasted in the notice
board at the front lobby and indicate
those who attended the last AGM 2012 and those handed out with ballot paper for
the two resolutions.
Q2.2 Please provide a full list of names of those who attended the AGM
2012 in the minute thereof.
Q3. Minutes of AGM 2012 held on 1st April, 2012
Q3.1 A lot of questions were raised in the AGM and please make sure
all the questions are recorded in the minute otherwise the minutes would be
challenged and the matters arising would take a lot of time because we can
remember the
Questions and issues raised then. The matters would need to be reflected on the
impact thereof in reports and minute and affairs of 2012.
Q3.2 The minute must contain the attendees.
Q3.3 The minute must be signed by the illegal Chairman unless the
Acting Dean/ Dean can show otherwise.
Q3.4 The minute must include the irregularities as raised in the AGM.
Q3.5 The minute must inform the members why the Chairman was missing
in action.
Q5.6 The minute must be available two weeks before the AGM.
Q4. Constitution of ASC
Q4.1 A Constitution in sufficient copies must be made available for
Q5. PCC meeting and minutes
Q5.1 The Agenda and Notices of all PCC meetings must be disclosed in the
Annual Report
Q5.2 The Minutes of the PCC meeting must be made available for
scrutiny before AGM because the new Dean would not be able to answer the
Q5.3 The quorum of the PCC laity members excluding pastors and the
quorum of the clergies and pastor must be assessed separately. Say if there are 10 or 15 elected members,
the quorum must be based on that and if no quorum then the meeting cannot be
held. The pastors and clergies are not
elected and they must not dominate any PCC meeting. We need to address this in a resolution of the
composition of the PCC.
Q5.4 The PCC minutes must be ready within three days of the meeting
and circulated to all PCC elected members whether present or absent. Don’t wait till the next meeting for the
previous meeting minute to be distributed.
Q5.5 Unelected members of the PCC should not be allowed to vote for vested
interest and an issue for a resolution at AGM for good governance.
Q5.6 The structure of sub-committees if formed should consider the
elected and unelected members in check and balance composition also an issue
for a resolution at the AGM..
Q6. Power of Rector or delegated power of Dean to the
Q6.1 Is there any guideline on the delegated power of the Dean to the
Rector/any priest?
Q6.2 Can such delegated power to include chairing PCC meeting when
there is a deputy Chairman to avoid conflict and illegality?
Q6.3 Can the delegated power include signing chaques?
Q6.4 Is such delegated power done in writing? If so, please publish it and post it in a
notice or Sunday bulletin.
Q6.5 It is a mockery if such delegated power is abused .
Q6.6 The Rector wrote in the ASC Sunday bulletin of 4th
November, 2012 that “In the Paroochial Church Committee (PCC) meeting last
week, a few decisions were made……A committee will be formed to re-examine the
church’s constitution ..” Who was the
Chairman of this PCC meeting? Can the
Rector show us the minute? I remember in the Dean Koo’s time, I raised a
resolution at an ASC AGM asking for amendments to the Constitution but was
rejected for it is the prerogative of the Bishop.
Q6.7 If it is the prerogative of the Bishop, then why the PCC if not
chaired by the Bishop can do this when the AGM has higher power to see to that
such amendments of the Constitution?
Q6.8 If the Bishop did chair the meeting, and such decision was made,
is the Bishop gone awry now that he finds the stupid excuse to amend the
Constitution when it is his responsibility for justice?
Q7. Financial status of ASC of about RM2.3m income when last year
was RM2.8m
Q7.1 How would this affect the credibility and
financial standing of the ADOS and ASC?
Q7.2 How do you balance out the budgeted expenditure without affecting
the direction of ASC?
Q7.3 ASC is the mother church in Sabah
and it is not behind St Patrick Church.
Please address this.
Q7.4 Please produce a report to address the decline of ASC in
financial status.
Q8. House of Celebration Project and Fund raising – 60% by ASC.
Q8.1 Please prepare a full report since the Fund was raised.
Q8.2 Why ASC is responsible for fund raising and yet FCC website
directs donation to the St Patrick’s Church account in its website? Why not direct all donation to HOC to ASC /
ADOS bank account?
Q8.3 The Full Report must show income and expenditure of the fund so
far collected.
Q8.4 How much had been collected by ASC and ADOS respectively on the
HOC fund and how much had been incurred for the project?
Q9. Vehicle records of All Saints’ Cathedral
Q9.1 Who keep the registration cards of the vehicles owned by ASC?
Q9.2 Does ASC own the SA8222T – a Toyota Land
cruiser in 2009?
Q9.3 How did ASC own the SA8222T?
Q9.4 How was the transfer transaction done at the JPJ?
Q9.5 What was the consideration of SA8222T and how was it procured?
Q9.6 Was the SA8222T shown in the ASC account ended 31. December,
Q9.7 Was the ASC honorary treasurer and auditor aware of this SA8222T?
Q9.8 Why ASC need such a Toyota
landcruier SA8222T ?
Q9.9 Is SA8222T properly used and maintained being an old vehicle?
Q9.10 Who is assigned to care for SA8222T?
Q9.11 Are there too many vehicles in ASC and please prepare a full report
for such assets?
Q9.12 Was this SA8222T minuted at PCC meeting and if so show the minute?
Q10 New Sulaman Anglican Church
Q10.1 Is it part of the concept of the sister church of ASC
as there are now about 12 sister churches
Nurtured by ASC for decades?
Q10.2 If it is a sister church of ASC, was the decision to purchase the
shoplot for a church made in
ASC PCC meeting? If done in PCC
meeting, please show the minute to indicate the sharing of financial outlay?
Q10.3 If it is a sister church
of ASC, how much was the
financial share to the cost of the new church?
Q10.4 If it is a sister church
of ASC, how is the
relationship/administration supervised from ASC?
Q10.5 The acting Dean/dean declared that ASC contributed RM70,000 to the
new Sulaman Anglican Church, please show with document how this RM70,000 is
disbursed? Every Ringgit from ASC must be accounted for. Was it paid in cash or in Cheque? Does Sulaman Anglican Church has a bank
Q10.6 Sulaman Anglican Church is so near to the Christ The King and so
how is the relationship/connection between both this churches?
Q10.7 Please show proof of early attendance of the church at the 5th
Floor to justify such a massive outflow of fund and not even manned by a priest
but a questioned pastor- a single mother of sort?
Q10.8 When was this church actually approved by the
ASC and the Standing Committee? Show proof.
This is my first instalment of 10
questions with many parts.
This would assist the ADOS and
ASC to be in good governance and transparent to move forward with the latest
movements in transition.
Please reply within two week by
14th January, 2013.
This mutual effort would shorten
the ASC AGM 2013 on 24th March, 2013 by at least two hours.
Joshua Y. C. Kong
All questions are available here :-
ReplyDeleteJoshua Y. C. Kong, P. O Box 11923, 88821 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah 013-8394513
2 January, 2013
The Acting Dean / Dean,
All Saints’ Cathedral,
Kota Kinabalu. Cc : YTC and CSF RL
Dear Rev Acting Dean / Dean,
Re: Prior Questions / comments for All Saints’ Cathedral to be presented at the AGM on 24th March 2013. (second instalment)
This is my Second instalment of another 14 questions with many parts making up 24 long questions..
This would assist the ADOS and ASC to be in good governance and transparent to move forward with the latest movements in transition.
Please reply within two weeks by 14th January, 2013.
This mutual effort would shorten the ASC AGM 2013 on 24th March, 2013 by at least another four hours in term of questions and replies LIVE.
11. Rangsit Anglican Outreach Center in Bangkok
11.1 who owns "Rangsit Anglican Outreach Center" in Bangkok – Anglican Diocese of Sabah or Singapore?
11.2 Since ASC has contributed much resources to this center, I want to know how much of the mission fund of ASC been diverted to RAOC?
11.3 It was reported that an unordained person was already performing the function of a priest before his challenged ordination on 29th August, 2012 in RAOC, may I have your comment for this unprecedented incident?...
12. Events and conferences done in ASC since 2006
12.1 Please provide a full list of the Events and conferences done in ASC since 2006 especially those participants have to pay a fee.
12.2 Were such fees paid into the bank account of ASC?
12.3 Were ASC paid a portion of the fee for the overheads? If so, please specify.
12.4 Did ASC pay any love gifts for those speakers invited to participate in these events? If so, please give figures.
12.5 Is it true such fees for ALL such events held at ASC premises were paid into ADOS bank account? If so, why?
13. Signatories to bank accounts
13.1 Please provide a list of the names of the signatories to the bank accounts of ASC since 2006 and the changes thereof.
13.2 If Rector YTC had signed some or all ASC cheques in 2012, please provide a list such as the payees, the amount paid and the purpose for those payments.
13.3 How many ASC cheques in 2012 and 2011 were paid without the signature of the Honorary Treasurer? Please provide a list such as payees, the amount paid and the purpose for those payments.
13.4 Would also provide a full list in the audited account of ASC for 2012 at the AGM 2013?
14. Sister churches of ASC around KK and beyond
14.1 ASC has been instrumental to the setting up of various sister churches in KK and beyond, please provide a list.
14.2 Please prepare a full report since 2006 for those sister churches including a financial statement for each sister church whether ASC provide any financial facilities or not in any particular year..
14.3 Would you agree that the sister churches would account for the annual Diocesan assessment through the knowledge of ASC?
14.4 Would you attach the financial report of each of the sister church in ASC’s annual report in 2012 for reference as ASC had provided the seed money initially.
(next part)
Joshua Y. C. Kong
All questions are available here :-
part 3 --
ReplyDelete15. Deficits of ASC since 2006
15.1 Please the deficits of ASC since 2006 and explain why this has been happening.
15.2 Please explain what action has been done to minimize the increasing deficits since 2006.
15.3 How much is the estimated deficit for 2012 as the income of ASC has drastically declined?
15.4 How would the deficits of ASC have affected the cash flow of ASC vis-a-vis ADOS especially in 2012?
16. Audited accounts for 2012
16.1 Please have the audited account ready for distribution at least one week before the AGM 2013.
16.2 How would anyone be expected to digest and ask all the questions and make the proper comments when the bulking reports and accounts are distributed just less than one hour on AGM’s afternoon?
16.3 Please confirm that the audited account for the year ended 31st December, 2012 be approved by the PCC before the AGM and show us the minute of the PCC for this confirmation.
16.4 Please also provide full disclosure of all relevant items in the audited financial accounts.
17. Resolutions at AGM
17.1 Please distribute in church the resolutions as submitted by members one week before AGM whether approved by the PCC or not.
17.2 Would you agree that it is at the AGM for resolutions to be dealt with? The Constitution is silent on this.
18. Mission trips overseas
18.1 Can you provide details of missions trips overseas where ASC is involved in 2011 and 2012?
18.2 Please give details of financial incurred for such missions and the amount paid by ASC if any.
18.3 Please provide detail reports of such mission trips overseas for both years.
18.4 Who were the people from the ASC going to such trips?
( part 4 to come next)
Please provide full and true answers otherwise the consequences are horrible and issues for the Police to handle.
The financial matters of 2012 would be another set of questions and comments provided it is given out at least one week before the AGM 2013.
I am doing this as a member and beneficiaries of ASC and ADOS and as a member of the Body of Christ which has been tormented by the misdeeds of the Bishop of Sabah and his cronies.
This very important duty is the responsibility of all irrespective of the position of anyone in Christ’s Church.
Don’t say that I have no right to do this. If that is so, who has the right to put the House of God in proper ORDER?
Who say I don’t own the Church? If that is so, who own the Church? Definitely it is not AVCF who owns the Church as he is too fickle minded to attend to the crisis started by him and BISHOPGATE is unstoppable unless the little David steps in.
One is a majority in action when the rest remains anonymous.
Joshua Y. C. Kong
19. Daily Express advertisement on 22nd December, 2012
ReplyDelete19.1 Why only ASC and KK sister churches were advertised when the whole of Sabah should be given publicity?
19.2 Who pay for the cost of advertisement?
19.3 Who authorize the said advertisement?
20. Cafeteria at the Wisma Anglican
20.1 Is the cafeteria only to cater for people who work and study in Wisma Anglican?
20.2 Is it properly licenced as a food outlet?
20.3 While the perception of food business on Sunday fortnightly at the lobby and foyer is questionable, what does
ASC benefit in term of financial return for overheads etc? The losses and gains are reported in the ADOS account.
20.4 Is there any subsidy for the food sold on Sunday? If so, how is this done?
21. Flooding of ASC compound
21.1 there have been reported flooding in ASC ground, is there any improvement recently?
21.2 What other measures are consider the flooding problem?
22. Police personnel inside the church during ASC ordination service
22.1 What is the purpose of asking some Police personnel in the Ordination service on 29 August, 2012?
22.2 The Rector blamed me for the Police inside the church service, and this blame is evil and uncalled for.
22.3 Who had actually lodged a Police Report to get the Police inside? Why nobody owned up?
22.4 Who paid for the Police service?
22.5 Is this a desecration of the church when the people anointed by God cannot trust God but unbelievers?
(next part)
Please provide full and true answers otherwise the consequences are horrible and issues for the Police to handle.
The financial matters of 2012 would be another set of questions and comments provided it is given out at least one week before the AGM 2013.
I am doing this as a member and beneficiaries of ASC and ADOS and as a member of the Body of Christ which has been tormented by the misdeeds of the Bishop of Sabah and his cronies.
This very important duty is the responsibility of all irrespective of the position of anyone in Christ’s Church.
Don’t say that I have no right to do this. If that is so, who has the right to put the House of God in proper ORDER?
Who say I don’t own the Church? If that is so, who own the Church? Definitely it is not AVCF who owns the Church as he is too fickle minded to attend to the crisis started by him and BISHOPGATE is unstoppable unless the little David steps in.
One is a majority in action when the rest remains anonymous.
Joshua Y. C. Kong
All questions are available here :-
23. Deanery of ASC
ReplyDelete23.1 The Deanery was consecrated for the sole use of the Dean of the ASC in April, 2000, and it is dedicated for a Godly purpose, is it another desecration of the Deanery when the Deanery was occupied for almost 6 years since 2006 by an unqualified priest?
23.2 What is the protocol of the decorum of the Deanery when it is abused by non other by the acting dean cum Bishop?
23.3 To draw an analogy, what is the protocol of the decorum of the Bishop Lodge if it is occupied by a junior priest?
23.4 How much money was spent by ASC to renovate the Deanery only to be occupied by one who is not the Dean?
23.5 The Deanery was finally vacated on 7th December, 2012 by the illegal occupier after much criticism in the blog since late 2011 and other avenues and is this not a defiance of an anointed servant supposed to be servant of God?
23.6 Who had approved the use of the Deanery ? If it was approved by the PCC of ASC, please show us the minute?
23.7 Is there any suggestion as to how the desecration of the Deanery be restored for the new Dean in a week time?
23.8 How much unnecessary cost to renovate the Deanery in view of the fact that the incoming Dean is only a temporary measure?
(final part to come)
24. Desecration of the All Saints’ Cathedral
ReplyDelete24.1 Since AVCF assumed his position in Kota Kinabalu as the .Bishop of Sabah, ASC church building was heavily renovated and refurbished at tremendous costs including destroying the two original rock Altars once consecrated for His Holiness. It was done for personal gain and now reap the Wrath of God in the ASC and ADOS. The present crisis in ADOS or BISHOPGATE had been brewing since 2006 as anyone who raised questions and comments not in the Bishop’s favour, would be asked to leave the church.. It was revealed that there was a suggestion to ex-communicate the five members who lodge legitimate issues against the Bishop to the Anglican Province in South East Asia Bishop did say something like that “If you don’t like ………….”, but he was stopped by the Spirit of God to complete his sentence.
24.2 The church premises has been used for AGM each year and in 2011 AGM, the Chairman/ Bishop snatched the microphone of the Honorary Treasurer to stop her to deliver her Annual Financial Report and the Chairman even campaigned against her to be re-elected but she was retained for 2011 and 2012. This devilish incident was not reported in the Minute of the AGM 2011. Can such thing prevails in the sacred church ?
24.3 In the Diocesan Synod held at the said venue on 30th August, 2012, the Chairman/ Bishop cried crocodile tears because he had to lie at the Synod meeting where frauds were reported in the financial statements of the ADOS.
24.4 In the sudden (24th hours notice) dialogue held at the church premises at the night of 15th October, 2012, the top clergies including the three Bishop AVCF, assistant Bishop Melter J Tais and assist John Yeo (total silence) had to put on a lying show when many questions were raised. The lies by Bishop AVCF, Bishop Melter J. Tais and others including the Diocesan Chancellor, Diocesan Treasurer, the Principal of All Saints Anglican Academy (now resigned) were all recorded in video available at
24.5 More lies have been emerging in ASC and ADOS up to date. The Bishop and Rector could not confirm how and who brought the Police to the ordination service. Could it be the devil within the Bishop asking the Police to create an image of chaos in ASC?
24.6 How would Archbishop Datuk Bolly Lapok be requested to deal with this desecration of ASC and ADOS?
NB: These questions are not exhaustive.
Please provide full and true answers otherwise the consequences are horrible and issues for the Police to handle.
The financial matters of 2012 would be another set of questions and comments provided it is given out at least one week before the AGM 2013.
I am doing this as a member and beneficiaries of ASC and ADOS and as a member of the Body of Christ which has been tormented by the misdeeds of the Bishop of Sabah and his cronies.
This very important duty is the responsibility of all irrespective of the position of anyone in Christ’s Church.
Don’t say that I have no right to do this. If that is so, who has the right to put the House of God in proper ORDER?
Who say I don’t own the Church? If that is so, who own the Church? Definitely it is not AVCF who owns the Church as he is too fickle minded to attend to the crisis started by him and BISHOPGATE is unstoppable unless the little David steps in.
One is a majority in action when the rest remains anonymous.
Joshua Y. C. Kong
ReplyDeletefrom thetruthasc,
I think ASC is getting messier because of AVCF since missing in action in 2012 AGM.
YTC only came to ASC in late 2011 and now he is gone for good in January, 2013 making it precariously for the ADOS and ASC and also the socalled commissary and the mediator who would find themselves helpless and useless to stop the crisis which I call BISHOPGATE because of AVCF also as a Dean who had been allowed to mess up ASC and ADOS for too long and yet the Archbishop BL is unprepared to do justice for ASC and ADOS. I think 38 of the 40 culpable issues of the famous 5 are about ASC.
Those 38 issues are hidden in falsehood and cannot be exposed and so how to solve the crisis in both ASC and ADOS linked in some ways.
As long as AVCF remains the Bishop, the BISHOPGATE would continue even with remote control to the total destruction of ADOS, and it is just waiting to happen now.
Once AVCF resigns and be accountable, then there is a chance for a quick solution in ADOS.
Since the recalcitrant AVCF would stay his stance of NO answers, you think YTC dares to risk his transfer even to a much small church in Sandakan?
Dean Chak would simple say "Don't know".
I dont want YTC to attend the AGM but the once acting Dean to attend the AGM to face the music and he cannot run away even in the midst of his Sabbatical leave and he should remain in Sabah.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
ReplyDeleteFrom: Joshua Kong
Date: Sat, Jan 5, 2013 at 9:39 AM
Subject: Fwd: Q for ASC - Fourth portion
Cc: Lambeth Palace ,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Joshua Kong
Date: Sat, Jan 5, 2013 at 9:32 AM
Subject: Q for ASC - Fourth portion
To: Albert Vun
Cc: Rev Thiam Choy ,
Joshua Y. C. Kong, P. O Box 11923, 88821 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah 013-8394513
5 January, 2013
The Acting Dean / Dean,
All Saints’ Cathedral,
Kota Kinabalu. Cc : YTC and CSF RL
Dear Rev Acting Dean / Dean,
Re: Prior Questions / comments for All Saints’ Cathedral to be presented at the AGM on 24th March 2013.[Fourth 4 portion]
Like Jesus did in the wine miracle for a marriage and the best wine came at the end.
I hope this is the last portion and the best for you to answer now.
This issue of Anglican Kindergarten was raised at one of the AGM at ASC with you, but you brushed it aside as quickly as I asked this question. You asked me to show proof of what you wrote and what you said, which I did not have at that time. I still don’t have the proof you wanted for act you you did as it is normal with you.
The other is the Kokol Prayer Summit with more loose ends for you now. Don’t run away, socalled ‘Bishop’.
But these are nagging questions for all and asked repeatedly but no proper answer.
So I am going to deal with these two issues in great details and don’t ask any one especially YTC (just slightly more than one year in ASC) and the Honorary Treasurer once you rejected her re-election.
Do it yourself now without fail as you are on the way OUT. These issues are so valid.
29. ASC’s Anglican Kindergarten closure
29.1 Why is there a need to close down the kindergarten?.
29.2 . It give us an identity because it is right in the city center, and you care not.
29.3 . We can send our children to our own Kindergarten instead of to others kindergarten.
29.4 It is also an evangelist place to encourage non-christian to attend our Sunday school. Why not?
29.5 they will be taught simple Christian song and pray.. Why this is bad?
[to be continued]
29.6 For Anglicans children when they grow up they will be proud that they study in ASC kindergarten during their early year. I remember you must be extremely jealous of the young children who enjoy in AK as your own miserable poor childhood in the “birthday suit” swimming in the river by your house as you shared in the pulpit regularly.
ReplyDelete29.7 . Why is it that Basel Church can establish kindergarten in almost every large housing area in KK, even in majority non-Christian area like Putatan and every small townships around KK up to Tuaran, Tamparuli, and Papar. hope you can add into one of your item.
29.8 I had been the honorary Treasurer for a few years all done FOC except an annual dinner, I had seen how AK was run by dedicated teachers, did not you broke their hearts and possibly their spirits with the so sudden closure without notice, and you call yourself a “BISHOP” and sort of recalcitrant ‘shepherd’, you must give full report of that prerogative decision and be held solely responsible for the demise of AK.
29.9 I want you to clear this grievous doubt that “you closed the AK so that your wife could be made the Principal of ASAA which is obvious more prestigious than the AK” and that sound so ‘fickle’ or ‘mad’ as the ASAA and AK could be operated simultaneously.
29.10 AK was a few decades old and fully licensed and approved by society as other non Christians sent their children to the AK and you started ASAA without any LICENCE especially after it was moved to ADOS. So as a “Bishop”, you enjoy your prerogative power as exercised to do a;; the illegal things to shame the Christian community in Sabah and beyond. Sue me now, if you like. You would imagine if those parents had to find kindergartens for their children to go in the mid year of the sudden closure without proper and adequate notice.
29.11 It was not a financial issue that AK was closed as it was sort of self financing and if not it could not have lasted for decades. The ASAA needed more money from ASC and ADOS plus sucking those children to keep it alive. So what say you and put this in a report to justify the continuation of ASAA after your “unqualified wife” as ex principal who declared she was drawing a primary school salary when it is doubtful if this statement is true. Show us the complete records now.
29.12 If it is the quality or type of students in AK, that can be managed as the prerogative power is there for you to use. Why did not you do it YOUR WAY rather than close it like you did it sort of illegally?
30 Kokol Prayer Summit a white elephant now???
30.1 Please exhibit the Occupation Certificate (OC) for the Sabah Anglicans to see possibly in the website. If you don’t do it within two weeks, I will post it in a website.
30.2 Is the OC issued in the name of ADOS? Does ADOS own the KPS of almost RM9m?
30.3 When you wanted to raise millions of Ringgit so urgently like there is no TOMMOROW as soon as you became “Bishop of Sabah” and came to ASC as acting Dean, the impression given was that the project was to belong to ADOS? Please present a full report on this dubious debacle and nightmare.
30.4 Wasn’t this an illegal project as dedicated by you as Bishop in 2010? The Diocesan Synod and Standing Committee was not aware or bluffed by you of what was going on except a member raised the issue in the Diocesan Synod 2010.
30.5 Please tell us what is the next step on the KPS?
30.5 Please tell us what is the next step on the KPS?
ReplyDeleteI need not write any more except await your replies to 30 questions so far from me.
You know what to do if you cannot reply or don’t want to reply.
How much financially you had been responsible for 6 years as Bishop? Give us your report.
Thank you,
Joshua Y. C. Kong
“Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you . Always give yourself fully to the work of the Lord, because you know your labor in the Lord is not in vain” 1Corinthian 15:58
If AVCF does not answers my 30 questions then
ReplyDeleteIn the final analysis, of course the whole sham and shameful things go back to the Archbishop BL and PHOBs who took matters into their own hands..and so what do we expect now?
It is left solely for the members and beneficiaries to act wisely and according to the crimes of AVCF in civil, criminal, spiritual issues.
So no more excuse for action but many can go on talking as I had seen it all since Dec 2011.
Countdown begins -
ReplyDeleteI give AVCF, ten days more from today before I lodge a Police Report.
When I lodge my Police Report I will post here.
ReplyDeleteIt is lodging Police Report on line.
So supporters of God and not me only, you can do it to support my Police Report also online.
Stand up for your right to be heard.
The Minute of the AGM 2012 should have been done soon after 1st April, 2012.
ReplyDeleteSo the whole gang if they have no time to do minute which is so important, then what are they doing?
Scheming to rob God's money like the way they spend ASC's money without proper procedures and transparency...
Can anyone tell me if the honorary auditor is available to do the audit of ASC account for 2012?
ReplyDeleteIf not, it is a total disaster for ASC under the TPW and “Tak Jin Kwok”…
ReplyDeleteThis honorary auditor must complete the job at least two weeks before AGM on 24th March, 2013 and properly done and distributed to members once week before AGM.
I hope the Honorary Treasurer would be doing a great job right now.
Another latest question for ADOS, AVCF, Mary Vun, Rev Jacob Lim, Dean Chak, ASC
ReplyDeleteIs ASAA one of the ministry of ASC?
If you go to the website of ASC, ASAA is not listed as a part of the ASC ministry, then why Dean Chak allowed the flying letter unsigned and undated in blue paper to be inserted in the ASC Sunday Bulletin of 13 Jan, 2013?
Why allow that statement in the blue A5 size paper to say that "ASAA is part of the ASC ministry"?
AVCF had been belittling those anonymous postings in the blogs, but who actually issued the anonymous blue 'advert' in the ASC Sunday bulletin?
AVCF had been telling people and the HOBs - ALL LIES - in the blogs and can I now call what is written in the blue paper as -ALL LIES - just because it is anonymous.
Why the Principal Rev James Lim not sign off that blue paper?
Is Rev Lim a puppet again of AVCF and MV?
If MV is the administrator, why don't she sign the blue paper?
If AVCF is behind the idea of the blue paper, then why AVCF does not sign off the blue paper?
Why need to produce a blue paper for ASAA as anyone can come to ASC for prayers? No need for announcement, why, what, how, where is the need?
Want to rob and robe more money from ASC for money losing ASAA?
That is now confirmed the modus operandi of AVCF to rob ADOS and the churches of tens of MIllions Ringgit for 20 years.
Just sent out unsigned letters or notices to get money just because he thought himself the "ANOINTED ONE" but now proven he is the BIGGEST thief of all and a trojan horse.
Show us the full records of ASAA now and don't just issue unsigned blue letters etc.
The BLUE letter is the work of mad man AVCF to send all his blues away as I can remember he does not use blue papers except this time.
ReplyDeleteSo Archbishop BL, get rid if all the BLUES of AVCF from ADOS and ASC.