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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Joshua Kong <>
Date: Tue, Jan 1, 2013 at 10:22 PM
Subject: Re: Prior Questions / comments for All Saints’ Cathedral
To: Albert Vun <>
Rev Thiam Choy <>,,
Rosalind Liew <>,
Joshua Y. C. Kong, P. O Box
11923, 88821 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah 013-8394513
1 January, 2013
The Acting Dean / Dean,
All Saints’ Cathedral,
Kota Kinabalu. Cc : YTC and CSF RL
Dear Rev Acting Dean / Dean,
Re: Prior Questions / comments for All Saints’ Cathedral to be
presented at the AGM on 24th March
I am asking a range of questions
early because of the new Dean coming to ASC and who I believe would not be in
the position to answer all the questions and issues to be raised at the AGM and
any “no answer’ cannot be accepted and be subject to Police Report later.
So to avoid unpleasant scenario,
please help all to get good and true answers now. If the answers given now would reduce the
volume of my questions and comments at the AGM 2013.
Q1. Employees and staff of ASC
Please provide a list of
employees /staff / clergies / pastors of ASC since 2006 together with private addresses and NRIC
for the purpose of vetting as it is alleged that at least one priest of the
ADOS is a project IC holder. Would
appreciate the relevant staff records. I
am asking since 2006 so that we can be clear that all personnel although
engaged by the ADOS have worked in ASC.
Q1.2 Bonus paid in all since
Please provide a list of all
personnel paid bonus in ASC since 2006 and the amount so paid..
Q2. Membership list of
members in Roll who can vote at AGM.
Q2.1 Please provide a copy of the Roll list as pasted in the notice
board at the front lobby and indicate
those who attended the last AGM 2012 and those handed out with ballot paper for
the two resolutions.
Q2.2 Please provide a full list of names of those who attended the AGM
2012 in the minute thereof.
Q3. Minutes of AGM 2012 held on 1st April, 2012
Q3.1 A lot of questions were raised in the AGM and please make sure
all the questions are recorded in the minute otherwise the minutes would be
challenged and the matters arising would take a lot of time because we can
remember the
Questions and issues raised then. The matters would need to be reflected on the
impact thereof in reports and minute and affairs of 2012.
Q3.2 The minute must contain the attendees.
Q3.3 The minute must be signed by the illegal Chairman unless the
Acting Dean/ Dean can show otherwise.
Q3.4 The minute must include the irregularities as raised in the AGM.
Q3.5 The minute must inform the members why the Chairman was missing
in action.
Q5.6 The minute must be available two weeks before the AGM.
Q4. Constitution of ASC
Q4.1 A Constitution in sufficient copies must be made available for
Q5. PCC meeting and minutes
Q5.1 The Agenda and Notices of all PCC meetings must be disclosed in the
Annual Report
Q5.2 The Minutes of the PCC meeting must be made available for
scrutiny before AGM because the new Dean would not be able to answer the
Q5.3 The quorum of the PCC laity members excluding pastors and the
quorum of the clergies and pastor must be assessed separately. Say if there are 10 or 15 elected members,
the quorum must be based on that and if no quorum then the meeting cannot be
held. The pastors and clergies are not
elected and they must not dominate any PCC meeting. We need to address this in a resolution of the
composition of the PCC.
Q5.4 The PCC minutes must be ready within three days of the meeting
and circulated to all PCC elected members whether present or absent. Don’t wait till the next meeting for the
previous meeting minute to be distributed.
Q5.5 Unelected members of the PCC should not be allowed to vote for vested
interest and an issue for a resolution at AGM for good governance.
Q5.6 The structure of sub-committees if formed should consider the
elected and unelected members in check and balance composition also an issue
for a resolution at the AGM..
Q6. Power of Rector or delegated power of Dean to the
Q6.1 Is there any guideline on the delegated power of the Dean to the
Rector/any priest?
Q6.2 Can such delegated power to include chairing PCC meeting when
there is a deputy Chairman to avoid conflict and illegality?
Q6.3 Can the delegated power include signing chaques?
Q6.4 Is such delegated power done in writing? If so, please publish it and post it in a
notice or Sunday bulletin.
Q6.5 It is a mockery if such delegated power is abused .
Q6.6 The Rector wrote in the ASC Sunday bulletin of 4th
November, 2012 that “In the Paroochial Church Committee (PCC) meeting last
week, a few decisions were made……A committee will be formed to re-examine the
church’s constitution ..” Who was the
Chairman of this PCC meeting? Can the
Rector show us the minute? I remember in the Dean Koo’s time, I raised a
resolution at an ASC AGM asking for amendments to the Constitution but was
rejected for it is the prerogative of the Bishop.
Q6.7 If it is the prerogative of the Bishop, then why the PCC if not
chaired by the Bishop can do this when the AGM has higher power to see to that
such amendments of the Constitution?
Q6.8 If the Bishop did chair the meeting, and such decision was made,
is the Bishop gone awry now that he finds the stupid excuse to amend the
Constitution when it is his responsibility for justice?
Q7. Financial status of ASC of about RM2.3m income when last year
was RM2.8m
Q7.1 How would this affect the credibility and
financial standing of the ADOS and ASC?
Q7.2 How do you balance out the budgeted expenditure without affecting
the direction of ASC?
Q7.3 ASC is the mother church in Sabah
and it is not behind St Patrick Church.
Please address this.
Q7.4 Please produce a report to address the decline of ASC in
financial status.
Q8. House of Celebration Project and Fund raising – 60% by ASC.
Q8.1 Please prepare a full report since the Fund was raised.
Q8.2 Why ASC is responsible for fund raising and yet FCC website
directs donation to the St Patrick’s Church account in its website? Why not direct all donation to HOC to ASC /
ADOS bank account?
Q8.3 The Full Report must show income and expenditure of the fund so
far collected.
Q8.4 How much had been collected by ASC and ADOS respectively on the
HOC fund and how much had been incurred for the project?
Q9. Vehicle records of All Saints’ Cathedral
Q9.1 Who keep the registration cards of the vehicles owned by ASC?
Q9.2 Does ASC own the SA8222T – a Toyota Land
cruiser in 2009?
Q9.3 How did ASC own the SA8222T?
Q9.4 How was the transfer transaction done at the JPJ?
Q9.5 What was the consideration of SA8222T and how was it procured?
Q9.6 Was the SA8222T shown in the ASC account ended 31. December,
Q9.7 Was the ASC honorary treasurer and auditor aware of this SA8222T?
Q9.8 Why ASC need such a Toyota
landcruier SA8222T ?
Q9.9 Is SA8222T properly used and maintained being an old vehicle?
Q9.10 Who is assigned to care for SA8222T?
Q9.11 Are there too many vehicles in ASC and please prepare a full report
for such assets?
Q9.12 Was this SA8222T minuted at PCC meeting and if so show the minute?
Q10 New Sulaman Anglican Church
Q10.1 Is it part of the concept of the sister church of ASC
as there are now about 12 sister churches
Nurtured by ASC for decades?
Q10.2 If it is a sister church of ASC, was the decision to purchase the
shoplot for a church made in
ASC PCC meeting? If done in PCC
meeting, please show the minute to indicate the sharing of financial outlay?
Q10.3 If it is a sister church
of ASC, how much was the
financial share to the cost of the new church?
Q10.4 If it is a sister church
of ASC, how is the
relationship/administration supervised from ASC?
Q10.5 The acting Dean/dean declared that ASC contributed RM70,000 to the
new Sulaman Anglican Church, please show with document how this RM70,000 is
disbursed? Every Ringgit from ASC must be accounted for. Was it paid in cash or in Cheque? Does Sulaman Anglican Church has a bank
Q10.6 Sulaman Anglican Church is so near to the Christ The King and so
how is the relationship/connection between both this churches?
Q10.7 Please show proof of early attendance of the church at the 5th
Floor to justify such a massive outflow of fund and not even manned by a priest
but a questioned pastor- a single mother of sort?
Q10.8 When was this church actually approved by the
ASC and the Standing Committee? Show proof.
This is my first instalment of 10
questions with many parts.
This would assist the ADOS and
ASC to be in good governance and transparent to move forward with the latest
movements in transition.
Please reply within two week by
14th January, 2013.
This mutual effort would shorten
the ASC AGM 2013 on 24th March, 2013 by at least two hours.
Joshua Y. C. Kong