Saturday, October 22, 2016
Christians prepare yourself and steer clear from Illuminati..
Sunday, October 9, 2016
Be ready as Bride of Christ
When we are bride of Christ, we are all dressed in White and that is spiritual whiteness and this is in the Bible and our bodies already transformed as darkness cannot mix with LIGHT of Jesus Christ, and so make sure we are ready and dressed in WHITE...
Saturday, October 8, 2016
must view v=fDUuG7YY_aE worship v=DWLiOV3oWsU fire v=c1lOPFjFCSE can walk v=xtx4VI4D2y8 sane again v=OmP_AKDHPKE deliver from Lucifer and a great sharing
| archeologists-discover-a-4000- year-old-archeological-find- linking-allah-to-lucifer-and- the-harlot-religion/ why Anglican churches use Allah when it is Satan?
Friday, July 29, 2016
Fruit of the Spirit is a must to do God's service
Galatians 5:22-23
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Why I am still alive after disturbing the socalled "anointed" but by Satan?
Stephen Foo told me straight that I had no God to file the case against AVCF.
I retorted that if I had/have no God,I would not be there in the Wisma Anglican to do the needful to settle an embezzlement etc etc by AVCF.
Is AVCF still alive? I am very much alive despite so many including priests and pastors called God to kill me.
So I had /have Christ to stay on course to set captives FREE including all the "stupid" people in Anglican churches..
So the ADOS must see some total changes to free all Christians knowing the TRUTH now.
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
one day at a time - a blessing today from sweet Jesus
Friday, June 24, 2016
Get rid of AVCF is one of my miracles by the million allowed by God
Here are some other miracles ----
I was detained by Tun Mustapha for 11 months without trial 1973/1974 and I was fed tiny cut hair in my food supplied by prison and then I left for UK where when I urinated out a hard drop of "metal" and blood in my bro. That is how God took out the cut hair accumulated in my kidneys which till today are in good order. Praise Jesus Christ for that.
When I went to UK without any contact there for the first time, God arranged it that I met someone a student from Sarawak who had a aunt in UK. This boy missed the SIA and went on to the Qantas and we were lined up at the airport immigration and I saw his letter of the same college I was going. I asked him if he had any one in London and then the rest was assured and his aunt and uncle (orang putih) were so kind to help me and wife out by providing whatever assistance and guidance including temporary accommodation for two weeks until we found some permanent lodging in London. So all these were in God's plan for me to come back a qualified accountant.
How much do you think it would cost any students in UK studying accountancy nowadays? I only spent about RM5k for the costs of ACCA until qualified in 5 parts of exams. Praise God for His forever goodness.
When Tun Fuad won the GE in 1976, I wrote to him for some financial help. Surprising the thousands of letters he received, he replied to me but he died on 6/6/1976 before that letter arrived in London. Finally I got the little money to help me out as Harris fulfilled tun Fuad's pledge. That is a great miracle. Praise God, otherwise I could be sort of difficult.
Thousands or even hundreds of thousands of miracles all at the arrangement of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
When I wrote the first book New Wealth Order as inspired by Jesus Christ on 4th July 1999 and finally published on 911/2001 and many Christians are scared to buy my book and I continued to write several more and Police never contacted me and instead Police bought many copies of EPIC of Sabah. People warned me of detention or sedition etc...God provide for my safe passages.
Actually I had intended to write a book "Millions of miracles" and hopefully this would be done..soon.
Some people always get it wrong by sharing their suffering and call that miracles. Actually,I tell God that I know you are always making miracles in me and my life without any such suffering that most people go millions of miracles -big and small - all done by God in His way. People also insulted me when I said and wrote in letters to DE that God spoke to me.
Recently, there were three puppies of a strayed dogs in the road behind my house. I was saying to myself that I would the beautiful white one and leave the other two because they were not nice in their colours and matching. Then God spoke to me, "they are my creation" and so I decided to take all home then.
My very friendly white dog ROCKET was poisoned and then died and I missed him. This dog has the habit to bite my hands softly. Then the same white dogs from the adoption of the strayed dog feature the same habit as the dead white one. so God has sent a special replacement.
see the dead one Rocket in the middle right.
this is the Rocket in replacement.
now I also have 4 largely white puppies.
I was in my campaign round alone in 1986 against PBS Chau Tet On in Luyang area and when I came to the house Chau's brother, he washed his car and called out his dog to attack me. The dog did come and even kiss my feet and left to go away. So that is a great miracle winning the favours of dogs. Praise God.
That miracle is better that I was not bitten but some people may claim bitten and then recovered and that is not so great miracle.
I am just waiting for IGGG M to save Malaysia.
Sunday, June 19, 2016
very sad the TRUTH blog is not online..
I hope there is a saved copy some where and later repost in the WWW.
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Friday, June 3, 2016
was AVCF a paedophile like this Richard Huckle?
We let the paedophile abuse our children
By Zakiah Koya
Jun 03, 2016 8:00 AM
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It is a horrifying fact we were told yesterday that we had kept a predator here among our midst preying and grooming Malaysian children to be webcast while he pretended to be an English teacher and church worker - not for one year, not for two years, but from 2006-2014.
And more horrifying is the fact that while our Home Ministry gloats that no terrorists have left or entered the country, that very same ‘efficient’ immigration and security authorities have let us all down by letting a hardcore paedophile in and out with ease.
Just two days ago, headlines screamed to the world that one of Britain's worst ever paedophiles is facing life in jail after pleading guilty to raping and sexually abusing dozens of children in Malaysia and Cambodia for almost a decade.
Telegraph of UK reported that former grammar schoolboy Richard Huckle, 30, from Ashford, Kent, targeted poverty-stricken communities in Malaysia and Cambodia, and - after winning the trust of locals - systematically abused boys and girls as young as six months old.
As he preyed among the poor and the vulnerable, he boasted about how no one seems to care what he is doing with these children and seems to be an expert on how to bait the poor children.
Local authorities can claim that they knew nothing of what Huckle was doing while he was in Malaysia and that they were unable to penetrate the dark webs, but reports show evidence that UK police did liaise with local police on this and that it was an international police operation. There is no way Malaysian police can claim they knew nothing.
“Huckle's favourite method was to target vulnerable children in poverty stricken communities, even boasting of his exploits to other paedophiles online. While his abuse lasted almost a decade he did not come to the attention of the authorities in Britain until the middle of 2014, when the NCA received a tip from Australia about his postings on the dark web.
“They began liaising with their counterparts in Malaysia but claim jurisdictional issues meant they were powerless to act while he remained overseas
“They then discovered he was planning to return to Britain for Christmas and he was arrested on December 19 2014 when he landed at Gatwick Airport,” reported Telegraph.
BBC reported that the the UK’s National Crime Agency (NCA) was tipped off about Huckle as part of an international police operation in late 2014, and after analysing his online posts and photographs, concluded the majority of his victims were being abused in Malaysia.
There are also begging questions on how it is that none of the parents of the 200 (perhaps more) children did not realise that he was sexually abusing their child?
Also, why were our authorities not monitoring paedophile activities from our shores (this can be done easily by traversing websites which sell these kind of videos and pretending to be interested parties) when we already had the major case of our former MARA scholar Nur Fitri Azmeer Nordin’s case of paedophilia in UK, which raised much hue and cry from the public?
Nur Fitri made headlines after he was sentenced to a 5-year jail sentence in the UK for possessing child pornographic materials, but latest reports state that he was brought home secretly.
As for Huckle, either he was really good in doing it away from the authorities or there was just no vigilante from our authorities.
Telegraph further reported that while Huckle admits raping and molesting 23 youngsters, many more are thought to have fallen prey to him between 2006 and December 2014 when he was finally arrested as he returned to Britain for a Christmas holiday.
“At an earlier hearing, Huckle pleaded guilty to 71 offences, 22 of which carry a maximum life sentence. Investigators from the National Crime Agency said the scale of the offending was "unprecedented and exceptional”.
“ When he initially pleaded guilty, it took the clerk of the court an hour to read the individual charges to the court.
“Huckle, who worked in a mobile phone factory and posed as a committed Christian - attending churches in north London and Ashford - first went to Malaysia in 2005 on a gap year teaching placement.
“The following year, he visited Cambodia and - while staying with a local family - took indecent images of their child who was aged around three at the time.
“He then began to visit Malaysia regularly, posing as a teacher, photographer and philanthropist in order ingratiate himself with a local Christian community before raping and abusing their children,” reported Telegraph.
The same article further said that in one particularly sick twist to the case, Huckle insisted on viewing all the online material showing his abuse before he pleaded guilty to the charges
“When detectives investigated his laptop, camera and phone they discovered more than 20,000 indecent images of young children, many featuring Huckle participating in abuse.
“Prosecutors made use of Section 72 of the Sexual Offences Act that allows a UK national to be charged in Britain for offences committed overseas,” reported Telegraph.
As for Malaysian police, please be known, this is not forgivable and no parent, having known about Huckley, will now have no peace of mind as long as there is a stranger around. And if paedophilia is still thought to be a psychological problem in which the paedophile needs help, as some leaders had stated in Nur Fitri’s case, we Malaysians want to know if those very same leaders think the same of Huckley.
Now, the police and Welfare Department must get all those documents from the UK police and search for all the victims, and ensure they are given the right care and treatment.
Also authorities need to be more vigilant. PDRM need not go to have study trips to UK and Australia citing this case, but must use their common sense. If that is too difficult, parents will be more than willing to help with ideas.
As for parents, it is time we became more aware of the dangers of trusting strangers, no matter how kind, with our children.
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
who want to touch the anointed would perish?
Those who said this statement "Don't touch the anointed" should know what to do now? It is hell fire for them to have defended AVCF as the "anointed" of the worst things in life and certainly a grave and great insult to God. We all know who are these people and it is up to God to forgive them. A lot of truth in what AVCF had done in the context of evil ways.
Nothing to boast about except Jesus Christ keeps me alive for his mission to set the captives free as there are still many captives in the Anglican Diocese of Sabah.
God has been telling me many times to set captives of poverty, oppression and under privileged FREE in Christ.
There was great oppression under AVCF and so some have been set free by my effort by the mere evidence that I have survived in that tough mission.
Nevertheless ADOS is still under "oppression" of sort and lies as largely the same people remain in the positions knowing nothing to change the lives of Christians to the TRUTH.
Have any significant changes taken place without AVCF?
Some people were praying that I would have died in 2012, but today I am as healthy as I was if not better. Thank God for that.
Stephen said I had no God and I retorted that if I had no God, I would not be in the Wisma Anglican to serve the Writ of Summons against AVCF. That was God's mission accomplished and AVCF gang had gone awry indeed.
So search our conscience and seek direct to Jesus Christ.
Sunday, April 3, 2016
Only me can save ASC like I did in 1988
ASC was almost dead in years prior to 1988 until I came back.
Ask Bishop Chen Fah,ask Richard Chang, ask Dr James Chhoa...
ASC was revived after 1988.. until now and going to sleep again ....
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
One day at a time, Sweet Jesus - go there to enjoy this song
a great song - listen--- (at the end of the page)
One day at a time, sweet Jesus
I'm only human
I'm just a woman/man
Help me believe
In what I could be
And all that I am
Show me the stairway
I have to climb
Lord, for my sake
Teach me to take
One day at a time.
One day at a time, sweet Jesus
That's all I am asking from you
Just give me the strength to do everyday
What I have to do
Yesterday's gone, sweet Jesus
And tomorrow may never be mine
Lord, help me today
Show me the way
One day at a time.
Do you remember
When you walked among men
Well, Jesus you know
If you're looking below
It's worse now than then
Cheating and stealing
Violence and crime
So for my sake
Teach me to take
One day at a time
Saturday, January 16, 2016
OPEN letter to Bishop Datuk Yong Ping Chung
I think you also heard of this about the special burial ground of AVCF.
This suspicion has been with me since the day I was informed by someone in Tawau of the sudden passing of AVCF in Damai Specialist Centre - an unusual place he could be.
Then stories of his wake was unknown in fook Lu Siew and that at the funeral service the coffin was closed to parishioners.
Someone told me that his coffin was rather light weight.
Then a few weeks later, we were told that his burial ground was so special with double security gates in Fook Lu Siew ground. It is not easy to get to the graveyard. Why?
As a previous Bishop and also Archbishop, Datuk Yong Ping Chung needs to state the following:-
1. Is it right to be buried in private ground with top security and clearly a departure of the Anglican tradition?
2. Who paid for the special graveyard?
3. To pursue an investigation on this unusual scenario as rumours is rife around the State.
4. Propose to the present Bishop to take appropriate action to clear all doubts.
5. Maybe if it is fit to lodge a Police Report to determine what is in the graveyard.
6. If found to be fraud, auction the said graveyard and return the money to the church.
Pray that God would restore the Anglican church of Sabah.
God bless all,
Joshua Kong
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