Monday, November 24, 2014

Rev Moses Chin for Bishop of ADOS.

Please pray over this and nominate Rev Moses Chin for Bishop of ADOS.

My puppies of Angel born on 15/1/2015 the day election of the new bishop.

Just remove the position of Archdeacon like that???

BAV Revoked Rev. Moses Chin as Archdeacon

In an email to all the clergy today, Bishop Albert Vun revokes Rev. Moses Chin as an Archdeacon effective 1 December 2013. Rev. Moses Chin, who was on vacation, learned this news via email. What prompted this drastic decision against one of the Diocese’s most senior clergymen? While BAV insisted his announcement was not for “unhealthy speculation or discussion”, the absence of any good reasons creates precisely that. Is that what BAV wants to achieve at the end of the day? Does it have anything to do with the upcoming election of the next Bishop? While none of us know for certain what’s being churned in BAV’s mind, it is clear that he continues to be unkind even in his last days.
Here is the email from BAV:
Dear Clergy and Pastors
My following announcements is for your information and not for any unhealthy speculation or discussion :
1.  God willing, I will be making Rev Jon Shuler of the New Anglican Missionary Society as one of our Canon Missioners on the 19th January 2014
2. God willing, I will be making Rev Lin Khee Vun a Canon occupying St Patrick’s Stall in the Cathedral on the 19th January 2014
3. Effective 1st December 2013, I have revoked my appointment of Rev Moses Chin as Archdeacon. I will not be making any Archdeacon until I have clergy ready and able for the duties. I thank Rev Moses for his service over the years.
In Christ
Bishop Albert Vun
Bishop of Sabah

Sunday, November 23, 2014

8th Message to Synod of Anglican Diocese of Sabah (ADOS)

 8th Message to Synod of Anglican Diocese of Sabah (ADOS)

Extraordinary – Diocesan Synod on 11-12 January, 2015

All Saints Cathedral

Agenda:  Nomination of Candidates for new Diocesan Bishop

Is this a legal activity when the ADOS’s Constitution does not provide for an Extra Ordinary Diocesan Synod.  So why the urgency?

Actually the ADOS’s constitution is null and void and illegal.

Is it just an excuse to confirm the present Vicar General who has done nothing to improve the ADOS in all aspects?

Is it in order that the next Bishop candidacy would exclude Rev Moses Chin who was illegally demoted by the ex Bishop just to bring disrepute to the ADOS?

On what ground was Rev Moses Chin removed as in the position of Archdeacon?

Was he removed simply by someone who drew some graffiti on Indah Anglican Church in Sandakan under his care?  Was it a dirty trick within?  What was the graffiti about?

How can someone be so brave to do that to a church?

Unless Archbishop Bolly Lapok reinstall Rev Moses Chin to clear his demotion, the election of the next Bishop should not proceed.   

Where is the power in the Constitution of ADOS to remove the position of the Rev Moses Chin by the exBishop when the ex Bishop was very sick and incapable to handle an issue in the ADOS? [see below]

Surprising when I opened the ASC Sunday’s bulletin today, my eyes was on this item.  So I must deal with this by voicing it out.

Joshua Kong

BAV Revoked Rev. Moses Chin as Archdeacon

In an email to all the clergy today, Bishop Albert Vun revokes Rev. Moses Chin as an Archdeacon effective 1 December 2013. Rev. Moses Chin, who was on vacation, learned this news via email. What prompted this drastic decision against one of the Diocese’s most senior clergymen? While BAV insisted his announcement was not for “unhealthy speculation or discussion”, the absence of any good reasons creates precisely that. Is that what BAV wants to achieve at the end of the day? Does it have anything to do with the upcoming election of the next Bishop? While none of us know for certain what’s being churned in BAV’s mind, it is clear that he continues to be unkind even in his last days.
Here is the email from BAV:
Dear Clergy and Pastors
My following announcements is for your information and not for any unhealthy speculation or discussion :
1.  God willing, I will be making Rev Jon Shuler of the New Anglican Missionary Society as one of our Canon Missioners on the 19th January 2014
2. God willing, I will be making Rev Lin Khee Vun a Canon occupying St Patrick’s Stall in the Cathedral on the 19th January 2014
3. Effective 1st December 2013, I have revoked my appointment of Rev Moses Chin as Archdeacon. I will not be making any Archdeacon until I have clergy ready and able for the duties. I thank Rev Moses for his service over the years.
In Christ
Bishop Albert Vun
Bishop of Sabah

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

what is the VG up to?

Why hold the Extraordinary Diocesan Synod in 2015 with all the cronies???

Anything done to upgrade ADOS by Meltar Tais.?

Since 24 August, 2014, what is new?

Are they all waiting  for the Civil Courts?

What had God being telling us since 2005/2006?

I can tell you all the names in key positions already confirm the times to come for APSEA and ADOS. 

local activists with pious intentions are banned from local Synod.

Muslim addresses Church of England synod for first time

November 18, 2014
nadhiLONDON: A British Muslim addressed a Church of England synod for the first time on Tuesday in a discussion with Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby on the suffering of religious minorities in Iraq and Syria.
Fuad Nahdi, head of Radical Middle Way, a think tank involved in inter-faith dialogue, recited an Islamic prayer and greeted the Anglican gathering with the words “salaam aleikum” (Peace be with you).
Nahdi branded violent Islamist jihadists as “idiots” and condemned discrimination against Christians, but said that Muslims who did not adhere to extremist ideologies had suffered in greater numbers.
“The persecution of Christians in Iraq and Syria is heinous and totally unacceptable to any sane human being. But we should not forget that the Muslims have borne the brunt of these extremists,” he said.
“Thousands if not tens of thousands have died in the past couple of years and they will continue to die if we pretend to ignore it,” the Kenya-born campaigner, who was dressed in a blue robe and cap, told hundreds of assembled delegates.
He also spoke about growing anger among young Muslims in Britain in reaction to criticism that they face because of the actions of extremists they have nothing to do with “thousands of miles away”.
“All the pressure on us is to try and justify things that are unjustifiable,” he said, calling for peaceful existence and joint “fight against ignorance” by Christians and Muslims.
In an article in The Guardian newspaper out on Tuesday, Nahdi wrote: “I hope my presence as the first Muslim to address the General Synod shows that followers of these great religions can be allies”.
The Church of England is the mother church of the global Anglican Communion, which has some 80 million followers in over 165 countries.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Bishopgate extended to Kuching in more actove mode

 Watch out what is to happen to APSEA come Nov 24, 2014 for the application hearing to appeal to the Federal Court.

Bolly said "the church is also challenged from within" and it is his fault.

See how he complained when it is his fault as Archbishop.