Monday, June 30, 2014

4th Open message to Synod 2014

Synod is NOT a rubber stamp of AVCF or doom to all.

4th Open message to Synod of Anglican Diocese of Sabah and members

I must say that if Synod delegates are not prepared to design motions for the betterment of ADOS, then members of any matured major parishes should be encouraged to do appropriate motions to get rid of the crisis in ADOS which I call BISHOPGATE.

It is indeed very shameful and a sham for a senior priest cum practising lawyer to have proposed some ridiculous motions at the end of the Synod 2012 from the floor without following the time factor of these motions.  You all know who were then the proposers and seconders as reported in the blogs of all the illegalities in that Congress to shame the shameless AVCF.  Yesterday, the Dean of ASC told the members that any motions must go through the PCC and yet in the Synod 2012, motions were released at the last minute from the floor.  All rubbish in ADOS.

Today, I am writing this OPEN message is because the sort of audited accounts of the Synod for 2010 and 2011 were heavily qualified by the honorary auditor but the treasurer Paul Chong was too shameful to show the management letter to the delegates.  Yet the rotten accounts were passed without any objections.

The Synod members/ delegates if you really want to serve God in his church to bring glory to God and not to AVCF, then be prepared to face much criticism even if the accounts are audited by an audit firm (not honorary one) at great expense to the members. I have great reservation about the known auditor/auditors of the ADOS.  So don’t pretend that everything would be alright with an audit firm.

Just like the ASC’s accounts for 2013 as audited by the “ghost” auditor of an audit firm , it is still in a mess and not true and fair hence it was rejected again by the adjourned AGM held on 29 June, 2014.  The report of my queries are posted in calling for investigation and review for frauds and misrepresentation.

I hope amongst the Synod delegates will be capable accountants blessed by God to scrutinize every aspects of the audited accounts of 2012 and 2013 when the re-audit of 2010 and 2011 (not done as promised) where the ADOS was swindled of tens of millions Ringgit by the Bishop and the Standing Committee and yet bishop used to preached robbing God and face the consequences thereof.

Some people may want to know why I spend so much effort to save ADOS and ASC.  It is a repentant effort as if Paul Chong never became an accountant, he would not have the “deceitful” opportunities to mislead so many members serving in ASC and ADOS in various positions over a decade and more.  All his devious acts had been reported in the blogs.  If I had not listened to Dean Yong Chen Fah in those days to help Paul Chong as a reference to enable him to pursuit accountancy in ACCA, he could not be in a position to “deceive” others with his “capabilities”.  Since I had contributed to his qualification and the harm thereof in ASC and ADOS, I would like the precarious scenarios to be rectified.  The golden opportunities have now come for the restitution of whatever wrongs and damage control with the departure or missing Paul Chong in church.

ASC had scored a first and a precious precedent to reject the audit firm’s version of account of 2013 and other Anglican churches in Sabah and beyond should take note of this.  ASC has yet to face a mountain of “crimes” if immediate rectification measures are not carried out after the adjourned AGM.

So I hope the Synod in 2014 should now take early measures by ways of appropriate motions to put the God’s house in ADOS in proper order.

My suggestion would be that ADOS is a blood sucker of God’s money that had gone into the God’s storehouse namely the church by a selective modus operandi known as Diocesan Assessment which had been terribly abused by the bishop annually.  We don’t need the ADOS as the red herring in deceptive framework.  Now Anglican churches are under so much weight of the piling up sin of the bishop and his cronies so much so that it is very hard for fertile ground in Sabah to reach out to others.  Even many Christians of other denominations are blaming ADOS for the hardship and strains in evangelism mocking the name of precious Jesus Christ at large like the work of satanic attacks against the church in general.  So we need to move to disband ADOS in its present form and if we still need a bishop, then the bishop would be only in spiritual matters leaving the secular matters in the hands of the Board of Governors of learned and faithful laity and senior clergy.  Only then we can revive the Anglican church in Sabah and beyond.

We better act fast and do a motion in this aspect and the “Bishop” should allow this to go forward for win-win-win scenario as AVCF is the root of crisis in ADOS.

Joshua Y. C. Kong   30/6/2014

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Written Q & A for ASC on 29 Jun 2014

Someone sent me an email on the voting at the adjourned aGM

I counted only 55 hands.  The staff mentioned 63 and Dean Chak mention 89.  Didn't you hear them?

AVCF is guilty of all crimes in the evidence of his modus operandi.

1.                  The Good Samaritan’s experience of crime is still valid to justify this claim of his guilt.
2.                  When he moved to Kota Kinabalu as the Bishop in 2005, he brought along most of his staff from Tawau’s SPC.  If we accuse him of this, he will deny it and say KK staff wanted to resign.  Hence two ex staff were complainants of his ill treatment of staff.
3.                  When he wanted to set up All Saints Anglican Academy, he had find the excuse to close down All Saints’ Kindergarten with very short notice  and deny it that there is a link between ASAA and ASK as he wanted his unqualified wife as illegal Principal of ASAA, and not as Principal of ASK.  His wife drew a very fat salary without the required qualification.
4.                  He had to ask the sole gardener of many years of volunteer to go and then set up a dummy system whereby he and his proxies would collect salaries since 2007 for 4 gardeners, 4 cleaners too excessive in 2014 and earlier years.  Isn’t this a crime of stealing public fund and God’s money?  So how can explain such wastage of excessive workers?  So we need to go back to SPC to check on those workers in such list.
5.                  He want to enhance his greedy ego, by building big buildings for kickbacks like the Kokol mountain’s Prayer Summit at excessive costs when there was no piling, and now he want to build the House of Celebration in ASC ground to cause ASC to go bankrupt.  Even with the scale down size, it is still a white elephant as long AVCF is around.
6.                  We have seen in the allegations as how AVCF would buy high prices and sell cheap so that he can get the kickbacks by the price differentials.  The PAC report once full disclosed in the decision of the Appeal Court would confirm this.
7.                  Why he bought so many cars for ADOS and ASC when there are no matching drivers and users is ill in the mind of serving his ego and not serving God.
8.                  AVCF is robbing God with his Diocesan Assessment when the bible says his storehouse is the church and ADOS is not the storehouse and find the good way to rob God of the fund in churches by charging 10% in Administration fee when what is the role of ADOS in this aspect?
9.                  Now it is understood, all his family is working in ADOS and they are so stupid not to be able to get jobs outside.
10.             AVCF transferred ASAA from ASC in 2010 to ADOS and rob God for his own benefit.

 The secretary bore ill will when she told the congregation in BM that ASC is not registered under ROS and I wish it is so so that there is someone to regulate us rather than the very sick and eveil AVCF who had thrown all the good order of God into the rotten dustbin of signal hill or sulaiman.   We cannot abuse the privilege given to ASC for self regulation to do hanky panky.

So the best we can do now is to request an EGM to vote out everyone including the Dean and PCC to put the house in order rather than wait till march 2015.

ASC as the mother church 50 years earlier than the Diocese of Sabah is now eaten by AVCF as the rotten bishop. 

ASC is such rotten that it is a very sad precedent set that the accounts is still in the "boil" after the socalled illegal/ghost auditor had presented the socalled audited account as still far off from the true and fair.  The predicament and the crisis can only be solved with the departure of AV & family, AV & cronies, AV and the stupd fools so that Anglican Sabah can be restored to proper order.  I wish some responsible persons like the ex-acting Dean and the present Dean can be jailed, but hopefully not penalised heavy financially for all the illegal activities.  Imagine, if ASC is a ROS body, the account not ready to be approved would be struck out.  So God is still very kind to us to go the long journey to bring Glory to God but not the easy way hence a lot of sacrifice is still needed from the members .

Dear Dean,                                                        29/6/2014
The two major items I raised at the  adjourned AGM (29 June, 2014) are very important for the welfare/status of ASC vis-à-vis ADOS.

If the relevant authorities take action, the person/persons responsible could cause great headache to the Anglican church and it would be too late for such consequences.  The consequences can be jail sentence, heavy penalties, and a very bad image/name of Anglican church.

My effort would not stop at the adjourned AGM and don’t blame me for further action as desirable to resolve whatever crisis in ASC.
Please take action accordingly,

Audit & Accounts shortcomings

1.        The appointment of the honorary auditor for 2013 [not done at AGM 2013] has been at variance from the norm and sort of appointed at the Extra General meeting [9/2/2014] illegally.  Why we have problem to get volunteer is known to all.
2.        Then the Dean and Hon Treasurer provided a signed account for 31 December, 2013 with the Balance Sheet as unbalanced for AGM 2014 on 6/4/2014.
3.         For the Financial report for audited accounts for 2013 by Crowe Horwath, we observe that in the content page – Report of the Honorary Auditors, then page 3, then page 4 but in page 6, we have an expenses item “Auditors’ remuneration” of RM5,400 when honorary is FOC.
4.        In the same Financial report, and in page 4, we are now informed of the auditor who had done the audit to have signed the audited accounts and the few errors  namely in the page 6, the words “Audited” and “Actual” were unnecessary, Waiver of liabilities  did not have a note to the accounts, page 8 1. General information – the parish was registered? established under the Constitution of the Anglican Diocese of Sabah – was incorrect. [I think we are non legal entity is Anglican Province of South Sea Asia was once ruled “non legal entity” in the High Court but rectified by the Court of Appeal.]
5.        note 7, page 12 “Fixed deposits with a licensed bank” when it should be “Fixed deposits with licensed banks”.
6.        Note 25 (page 19) in the “Sunday breakfast” included undisclosed amount of RM2,100.
7.        Note 29, (page 20), the figure of Accumulated fund was in error.
Without the signature of the qualified auditor, the poor quality of the Financial Report indicate that an unqualified accountant did the job and yet the fee of RM5,400 for a report without a schedule of fixed assets.  Hence the fee is not justified.

Final search for Justice & Truth

Further to all the answers I received from the Honorary Treasurer Mr Bobby Tan first for the unaudited account in early April, 2014 and just this week after the audited accounts, I would like to two major demands namely as follows:-

1.        I call the PCC convene an investigation into the category of human resources expenses in particular Clean and guards salaries /allowances which itself is a misrepresentation as this item include wages to 4 gardeners namely RM43,080; 4 cleaners RM44,880; 2 guards RM27,720 [RM115,680] plus allowance and overtime of RM6,833.26 making it a grand total of RM122,513.  
1.1   The same item had been increasing  RM49k [2007]; RM68k [2008];   RM  ?       [2009]; RM86k [2010]; RM100k [2011]; RM104k [2012], when nothing had been changed since 2006 except there was only one volunteer gardener when Joseph Kong was asked to go.  The garden in ASC is not any much different since 2006 when there were fruits bearing trees and now no fruits bearing trees.  I also think 4 cleaners are too many.
1.2   The following areas should be scrutinized:-
1.2.1  Are the workers local or dubious citizens?
1.2.2  Do the foreigners have work permits?
1.2.3   Are the payment vouchers available?
1.2.4  On pay day, the workers must come in person with identity cards to receive their pay.
1.2.5  Are these workers work fully for the ASC?

1.3    Lets settle this suspected hanky panky or questioned frauds within the church now within one week or even tomorrow with a committee of 5 from here including myself.  

2.    Review of the Diocesan Assessment since 2007 with specific reference to the administration charge (10% for doing what?) and the transfer of All Saints Anglican Academy to the Anglican Diocese in 2010 and Appreciation Gift from ASAA of RM120,000 (page 14).  This review can be done by correspondence with the Hon treasurer.


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I had asked many questions from the Dean and the Treasurer and I don’t think we can get the real answers and so I propose the only forward is to make this statement at the adjourned AGM and then proceed to lodge Police as internal settlement is unlikely. This is actually getting worst with the “useless” Dean Chak.
Final search for Justice & Truth
Further to all the answers I received from the Honorary Treasurer Mr Bobby Tan first for the unaudited account in early April, 2014 and just this week after the audited accounts, I would like to two major demands namely as follows:-
1. I call the PCC convene an investigation into the category of human resources expenses in particular Clean and guards salaries /allowances which itself is a misrepresentation as this item include wages to 4 gardeners namely RM43,080; 4 cleaners RM44,880; 2 guards RM27,720 [RM115,680] plus allowance and overtime of RM6,833.26 making it a grand total of RM122,513.
1.1 The same item had been increasing RM49k [2007]; RM68k [2008]; RM [2009]; RM86k [2010]; RM100k [2011]; RM104k [2012], when nothing had been changed since 2006 except there was only one volunteer gardener when Joseph Kong was asked to go. The garden in ASC is not any much different since 2006 when there were fruits bearing trees and now no fruits bearing trees. I also think 4 cleaners are too many.
1.2 The following areas should be scrutinized:-
1.2.1 Are the workers local or dubious citizens?
1.2.2 Do the foreigners have work permits?
1.2.3 Are the payment vouchers available?
1.2.4 On pay day, the workers must come in person with identity cards to receive their pay.
1.2.5 Are these workers work fully for the ASC?
1.3 Lets settle this suspected hanky panky or questioned frauds within the church now within one week or even tomorrow with a committee of 5 from here including myself.
2. Review of the Diocesan Assessment since 2007 with specific reference to the administration charge and the transfer of All Saints Anglican Academy to the Anglican Diocese in 2010. This review can be done by correspondence with the Hon treasurer. [to be continued]
Joshua 6013-8394513

Written questions / comments by Joshua Kong

ASC adjourned AGM 2014 on 29 June, 2014

NB:  I am asking some of the questions or make comments based on some data provided by the Honorary Treasurer Bobby Tan for the AGM on 6th April, 2014.

Now with the “audited” accounts I would ask for the following (agm adjourned for accounts):-

  1. General Insurance  RM14,318  (note 19) page 17
1.1    The Cathedral building worth so much to replace/rebuild is not insured especially in this time of “religious” chaos.

  1. Sunday Breakfast RM11, 328  (note 25)  page 19
2.1    How is this figure arrived at?
2.2    Is there any records of accounts kept to justify this figure in 2013?

  1. All Saints Music Academy  (ASMA)
3.1    Is ASMA part of ASC?
3.2    If so, why ASMA account is not incorporated into ASC account?

  1. Waiver of liabilities RM69120 (Statement of Income & Expenditure) page 6
4.1    There is no note to the accounts to show how this unusual figure is arrived at and nature of the item.
4.2    Is it simply an exercise of balancing figure when the trial balance is unbalanced properly?
4.3    In the “draft” account – unaudited – when compared with this audited accounts, there are some “loose” figures here and there giving an indication of problematic account in 2013.  Your comment please.

  1. Human Resources Expenses (Note 16) (page 15)
5.1    Under the item – Cleaner and guards salaries/allowances – RM122,513 (2013) and RM104,633 (2012),  [additional info –RM100,000 (2011) & RM86,000 (2010).]
5.2    Please provide names and identity cards no of these workers together with copies of payment vouchers/ payment cards or anything to support such payments for 2013, 2102 plus 2011 and 2010 if possible.

  1. Provision for Diocesan Assessment (DA) RM924,726 (note 10) page 13
6.1    d) Diocesan Admin @ 10% amounting to RM 248, 831
6.2    What does this Diocsan Administration involved when ASC is sort of autonomy in Administration?
6.3    ASC has a current liability of RM1,389,344 including Provision of Diocesan Assessment of RM924,726.
6.3.1        The Anglican Diocese of Sabah took over All Saints’ Anglican Academy worth anything upto RM1m (including goodwill) from 2007 till 2010 when it was taken over together with a grant from ASC of RM167,000 in 2010.
6.3.2        Should not some adjustments be made to the DA for the value of ASAA taken over by ADOS?

  1. Cash & Bank Balances  Note 7 Page 12

7.1       Included in the Fixed Deposit  there is an amount of RM96,729 earmarked as ASC Building Development Fund, please show the working or details of this account and is this part of the Celebration Centre Fund ?

Written questions prepared by Joshua Kong 22/6/2014

This can be projected on the screen at the meeting with the answers to avoid me asking these questions from the floor.  I will just make my comments on the answers presented to save time and cost.