Biblical speaking
Diocesan Assessment is an abomination of the verse “Bring your tithe to the
storehouse of God” as the clergy and Bishop always preach in prosperity
gospel. ADOS is not the storehouse of
God as it is not a church which has siphoned off God’s money for some personal
agenda. To me this verse in the universal
Bible means the whole earth as the storehouse not only any church and why only
Christians have to treat God with respect.
All human being have to treat God our creator nicely. It is timely that ADOS and ASC being the
mother church has to address the Diocesan Assessment when the Bishop is not
attached to any local church to earn his keep as any clergy. So we sow and reap
the whirl wind. .
AGM is the best forum or venue to put to rest
the Anglican Crisis which I call BISHOPGATE since it surfaced in 2011, the
Golden Jubilee year of ASC.
and pulpits messages are all one way only.
my three motions whether to be voted on or not are for the purpose of putting
to rest BISHOPGATE for the good of all especially Christians and the public at
the mother church ASC must go back to basic namely – the object of ASC.
you know the object of ASC? Do we
fulfill the object of ASC?
objects of the Parish are in Article II of the ASC Constitutions namewly:-
(a) To proclaim the gospel
(b) To minister to the
(c) To promote Christian
fellowship, and
(d) To promote any other
activities for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.
recent years, ASC has largely failed in its objects.
of proclaiming the gospel, many verses in Bible are quoted for personal agenda
of the leadership like the tithing and gospel of prosperity (which I will go
into later under the Diocesan Assessment) and the recent ‘washing of feet” for
deceitful feel good; I heard numerous
complaints of the lack of ministering to the parishioners and instead there is
an agenda to divide the congregations to fight against one another especially
in the last AGM’s elections of PCC; How
can ASC ever promote Christian fellowship when all the dirt of the Bishop or
Bishopgate are exposed in the blogs and other Christians denominations are
blaming Anglicans of disrepute or shame to Christianity; if we cannot promote Christians fellowship,
how can we promote any other activities for the advancement of the Kingdom of
God? Also the NGO as proposed by me on
the resolution of Bishopgate would be the vehicle for external outreach apart for
internal fellowship.
Chak what is the point of you staying on after your undesirable activities too
many in a few months already exposed and the EGM’s rejection of item 7 is
deemed to have rejected you, and so for the sake of the Anglican church, Rev
Moses Chin be in your place now for a new beginning.
my three motions were rejected because of the intervention of the Bishop,
Bishop has already been rejected and should leave it to the members to
decide. The EGM’s rejection of item 8 is
deemed to have limited the power of the Bishop as far as ASC is concerned.
was also voted out as the acting Dean in 2012’s AGM but he stayed on till
December, 2012 and ASC has enough of him “screaming” and all those matters
raised in the PAC reports etc.
want to reject my 3 motions but go the press recently trying win with
ASC – comments on AGM
1. With the financial
statement in hard copy for All Saints’ Cathedral 2013, the Dean & Honorary
Treasurer made a declaration be it statutory or otherwise “We, the undersigned
hereby declare that the accompanying Unaudited financial statements as present
on Page C are to the best of our knowledge
and understanding, correctly represent a true and fair view of the state
of financial affairs of the Parish of All Saints’ Cathedral, Kota Kinabalu [no
year?] ending 31st December, 2013.
The statement of Honorary Treasurer is undated.
2. It is no April
Fool as I write it on 1st April, 2014. There is no excuse for such blunder of a
false declaration to mislead others by a licenced Solicitor and a qualified
accountant and possibly a member of MIA should be aware of what he should have
declared and the consequence thereof.
Great damages done in all aspects.
- The
report was made available one week before the AGM on 6th April,
2014 from 3pm. {if this report was
presented one hour before AGM, it is impossible to present this paper).
- So God has finally spoken on ADOS
vis-à-vis ASC on such triple whammies namely no auditor is available, the Dean and Honorary Treasurer made
FALSE declaration and the Balance Sheet was not balance – all appearing on
the first three pages of the Financial Report (hard copy).
4.1 AVCF as Bishop cum acting Dean of ASC sowed
for 6 years and reaps abundant shit (too much to write here) in God’s Church
and not Albert’s church..
- I do
not think there is a need to query or raise comments an unaudited account
when the Balance Sheet does not balance which is another grave error if
you read the declaration in the first paragraph..
ASC AGM matters 2014
Bishop’s treatment
Bishop’s testimony and Thanksgiving in ADOS Bulletin of
December, 2013, I quote “The Standing Committee has decided to cover all my
treatment expense according to our present policy.”
The Honorary Secretary of the Standing committee in an
attachment to the ASC Sunday bulletin wrote on 11 November, 2013 and quote “The
existing policy of the Diocese on medical claims by any of our ministry staff
is for the Diocese to pay 50% of the medical claims while the remaining balance
50% shall be borne by the local parish
where he/she is at the material time
He secretary further wrote “that Bishop Albert’s medical
expenses will be drawn from Diocese Medical Fund.”
I believe Bishop’s statement is at variance with the
statement of the Honorary Secretary.
Bishop’s testimony and thanksgiving also stated that some
people had given him substantial funds to meet his medical treatment in Singapore. Please confirm that Bishop had passed on the
contribution to the Diocese Medical Fund since the Diocese will be responsible
for the cost of treatments in Singapore
or elsewhere. I hope the Auditor of the ADOS would scrutise this fund properly
and that the Bishop’s treatment costs would be paid on his claims and full
medical report.
I also find it odd that the Bishop wrote “I am trusting the
Lord wholeheartedly for the Lord to answer our prayers” and yet he doubted the Lord but trusted
medicine and the doctors.
Synod Delegates
Why are we not electing Synod delegates from this AGM?
I think it is reported that the Honorary Secretary had
written to all parishes to elect Synod Delegates to the biennial Synod
Conference due in August/September 2014.
The Bishop had also written to the parishes to ask the PCC
to nominate Synod delegates to the Synod Conference.
So who is right? If
it is the duty of the AGM to elect the Synod delegates why is it this is not
done here?
Parish Meeting in Constitution of Diocese of Sabah’s Article
1 (Definitions) clause 8 means Annual
General Meeting of the Parish..
Article XXIII 3 (a) The Lay representatives and alternative
Lay Representatives shall be elected at a Parochial Meeting held before each
ordinary meeting of the /diocese synod.
Here the Parochial meeting is the AGM not PCC meeting and so ASC had
been in error or violation of the Constitution.
Celebration Centre
What is the latest for the Celebration Centre? How much had been collected and then used for
that but nothing to see on the ground?
On paper, where is the report on this ?
If there is no report, that is already embezzlement.
ASC must make a stand on this word “Allah”. Irrespective of
the Court decision, the stance by some people is that if the word is used in
church, you are all Muslims like it or not? No wonder, we are in such a mess
Newspaper’s Reports
Since 2012, ASC has been featured in the Daily Express as
- Article
titled “Bishop under probe” on 17th
July, 2012 and the reply in a letter forum titled “Claim made in
report was false” on 21st July, 2012 both were damaging to ASC
and ADOS.
- Article “Suit against Anglican bishop
dismissed” Daily Express dated 6th March, 2014 with my name
mentioned without consent.
- Letter
“Church members divided over stand of Anglican archbishop” Daily Express
dated 16th March, 2014 using the word “muslim”.
My comments are as follows:-
If some people are against going to the Civil Court, then why go to the public
court in the Newspapers? Why cannot we
resolve it in ASC being the mother church?
AGM 2012, 2013
Many questions and comments on ASC had not been
responded. AGM is the only forum left to
get answers while the bulletins and the pulpit only one way traffic and so how
to clear all doubt if AGMs are also abused by the leadership.
EGM 2014
What is the status of the 6 items passed at the EGM held
- The
status of the updating of the list of membership closed on 5th
April, 2014? What do you intend to
do with those who had yet to respond to the updating?
- For
the purpose of today AGM, what is the list to be used – old or new?
- Why
are so many members are without the NRIC numbers especially for the Bahasa
Malaysia congregation?
Minutes of AGM
The attendance of the members at the AGM should be recorded.
Another interesting fact is that on the months the money was stolen and bank deposit slips forged, the monthly bank statement was also missing from the church’s mailbox. Proper documentation of the money was not followed. Those who counted money on Sundays, signed over the counted funds to the office. However, the paper trail abruptly ended there. There was no record of who deposited the money to the bank even though this is required as part of the standard operating procedure.
It’s been over two weeks since it the church found out about this. The PCC had spoken to the church employees but nobody has come forward to take responsibilities. Some suspect the bank to be culpable. The fact remains the money is stolen either by church employees or the bank. The church did not volunteer any information about the theft. When queried during the AGM, the new priest in-charge Rev. Lau Ay Kuen mentioned it hastily.
This is not a crime of impulse. Whoever that had stolen the church’s money, planned this meticulously, stealing not one time, but seven times from the church. Many worrying questions remain unanswered:
1. The RM14k stolen came from money given by the people. This is public, not personal money. The PCC and priest has a fiduciary duty to inform the people. Why hasn’t the leadership inform the church?
2. Why did the church fail to record who deposited money to the bank? Why is this standard operating procedure not followed?
3. Who is responsible to ensure the SOP is followed? How could this be allowed to lapse for several months?
4. Is there a time frame for the internal investigation? If the church’s investigation cannot solve this crime, what is the next course of action?
5. Why is the church investigating a criminal offense (theft, forgery)? Does CTK has the abilities and competency in criminal investigation?
The church failure to be forthcoming with information gives the impression of a cover up. Just tell us what you know, and what you don’t know but don’t withhold information from us. If this crime is an inside job, the church has the responsibility to deal with sin seriously and swiftly. Friendship with sin is enmity with God.