Rejection of my 3 motions in unconstitutional
chair the meeting on the 3 motions?
the motions come before the members who are technically the part owners (part
builders) of the ASC with Christ and yet only one questioned person has the
closely with the Cathedral Chapter and the whole affairs of appointing Rev Chak
as Dean needs to be investigated.
the 3 motions come before the members at the AGM, God already judged the Acting
Dean Vun, Dean Chak in the following key ways:-
Dean Vun in AGM 2012 as voted out by two third but stayed on to appoint another
failed Dean in personal vendetta as proven by emails between them.
Dean Chak was rejected when the Item 7 of the
amendment at the EGM of 8th
February, 2014 failed to be approved.
Deemed a vote of no confidence in Dean.
Bishop was also rejected in item 8 the
amendment at the EGM of 8th February, 2014 failed to be
approved. Deemed a vote of no confidence
in Bishop as far as ASC is concerned.
another key Judgement on ASC and ADOS and because of the illegal Synod in 2012
and the auditor was under attack for the management letter and now the missing
re-audit accounts of 2010 and 2011, and with that we have no auditor for ASC
accounts. Also this is the direct impact
of the manipulated election of PCC members held under Dean Chak in AGM 2013.
Chak failed to deal with my many questions raised at AGM 2013.
5. With the rejection of my 3 motions as unconstitutional, Dean Chak has to go.
1. That the present Dean
Chak Sen Fen of All Saints’ Cathedral be replaced as soon as possible with a
qualified ordained priest with the appropriate ethic of fairness and justice
and his term is not to be renewed.
Some of
the rational items are printed already but I am not to repeat them here.
The short
term of one year and four months are no excuse for Dean Chak for the
performance already evaluated in AGM 2013 and EGM 2014.
It is a
deception that it is the Bishop’s prerogative to appoint the dean if only you
read the Article XIII Cathedral Chapter of the Constitution of Diocese of Sabah
properly and in the clause 2 “The Dean
shall be appointed by the Bishop with the concurrence of the majority of the
Cathedral Chapter and shall act as Chairman of the Cathedral Chapter”.
here in the selection process for Dean Chak, how many candidates were
shortlisted at one and same time?
At the
EGM 2014, the rejection of Amendment 7 means no confidence in the Dean Chak and
rejection of Amendment 8 means no confidence in the Bishop to meddle in the
affairs of ASC as we had enough of him since 2005 till 2012.
We want a
Man of God to truly do God’s work in ASC and NOT man of the Bishop to do his
bidding making the previous acting Dean still in FULL control in ASC when the ex acting Dean for his own sins
were voted out in AGM 2012 by a big majority. Even then he took eight months to do enough
damage and resigned and replaced by Dean Chak after he had earlier over-stayed
his term in dual roles making regular “fictitious” claims that no one was
qualified or suitable to be appointed Dean.
We all
can feel, see, experience the deep rooted disarray arising from the foot prints
of Bishop in Dean Chak. Why the Budgeted
Diocesan Fund of RM300,000 for 2013 was “withdrawn” indicating loss of
confidence in Dean Chak?
Dean Chak’s
dismal performance is evident by declining revenue and Sunday attendance. There was still a massive deficit for 2013 if
not for the amount received from ASAA of RM120,000 and forced massive cuts in
Since we
have totally lost the confidence in the Bishop to administer the ADOS, the
Bishop had lost all credibility to have appointed Dean Chak or appoint any
future Dean.
belongs to the members and does not belong to the Dean or Bishop, the members
should decide that Dean Chak has to go soonest like the previous acting Dean
was given the marching order in AGM 2012.
Should Dean Chak resigns now or the vacancy falls vacant, the Bishop
Albert cannot be the acting Dean as he had been a violator of all the
Constitutions as per PAC reports already made public.
- That the new Dean of All Saints’ Cathedral should be Rev Moses Chin.
The All
Saints’ Cathedral belongs to all members – past, present and future – hence we
are the masters of the ASC and we have the right to choose the Dean given the
prevailing deep rotted disarray in ADOS vis-a-vis.
Rev Moses
Chin should be installed as the new Dean immediately.
XIII Cathedral Chapter of the Constitution of Diocese of Sabah properly and in the clause 2 “The Dean shall
be appointed by the Bishop with the concurrence of the majority of the
Cathedral Chapter and shall act as Chairman of the Cathedral Chapter” can
be a RED HERRING as far as Bishop Albert is concerned as the PAC Reports have
In Bishop
Albert’s Affidavit in Opposition dated 30th July, 2012 to my Writ
against him, he stated what the Constitution of the Diocese of Sabah in Article VI under section 2(a) that his role is
Faith and Order. Similarly in the
Cathedral Chapter the Bishop cannot alone appoint the Dean.
Internal Auditor could not appointed on the day of AGM 2013 as the auditor
should have started its duty from that day.
Till 30th March 2014 when the accounts was presented
unaudited, it is the adverse symptom of Dean Chak and his predecessor in
another episode of deep rotted disarray.
The numbers of important queries since 2010, 2011 and 2012 reflected
that audit work was lacking in compliance with the accounting principles and
standards and the ASC Constitutions.
strongly believe if Rev Moses Chin is installed as New Dean, there would not be
problem to get a credible auditor paid or unpaid.
ASC needs
a new beginning to put the house in order.
I urge
all members here support this motion.
3. ASC
to give its consent/recognizance to enable members of ASC to set up a body
under the Society Act 1966 and the Regulations of Societies 1984 of Malaysia
(name to be selected later) for the purpose of all members of All Saints’
Cathedral to look after the secular or non spiritual interests of the Cathedral.
We have
to find solution to the Anglican crisis which I call BISHOPGATE which must be
ended sooner and to rebuild the Anglican fellowship in the Anglican church we
need to have a framework within and without the church proper where the clergy
(all levels) and laity can meet common interest and that is where an NGO to be
formed under the Society Act 1966 and Regulations of Societies 1984.
We start
this NGO with ASC. If it is intended to be for the whole Anglican communion in
Sabah as a society with many branches and initiated by All Saints’ Cathedral
being the mother church, I would call that “ Sabah Anglicans Fellowship Entity”
or SAFE an attractive and meaningful name.
If it is only for ASC, then we have to select a name.
We all
know that SAFE can do much to revive Anglicanism as we have known it for 100
years except from 2006. Now we have
grown much bigger hence we need SAFE to be safe to conserve Anglicanism.
SAFE can
be the natural check and balance for all Anglican churches, the Parochial Church Council, the Standing Committee
and the Synod in all the secular affairs of the Anglican system. We will see how SAFE in its objects would be
part and parcel of the Anglican system to enable everyone would be in
contributory pose for the greater Anglican design.
SAFE can
function like any other NGO in complimentary and sharing role to the Anglican
church like making public policies, fund raising, networking, care for members
and non members alike in the society at large where the Anglican church has
been weak. The possibilities are endless
and also expand God’s kingdom on earth in the least travelled sectors so far.
We have
some internal groups but unregistered and only function within the walls of the
Anglican church.
would also be our Face in the community and would become a household name if we
make it work efficiently and effectively.
We don’t
need the approval of the Bishop for SAFE as the Anglican church belong to all
members and I go through the ASC AGM as an appropriate approach or platform for
the sake of courtesy and to formalize it as the seed comes from ASC.
members are urged to support this motion.