update at 8.01 am on 2nd Nov (page view 1 Nov., - 273)
Please ask AVCF and ADOS to produce all the land titles of the church now.
A list of the title numbers must be produced before any thing would happen to themn
update at 8.28am on 1st Nov (page views 31/10 -248)
Happy All Saints Day and looking great for a great miracle today. Joshua
update 5.13am on 1st Nov.
What we have been told is that plenty of crocodile tears (typical of LIAR) were shed annually by AVCF to solve his problems in SPC and yet also crocodile tears were shed in ASC but his problems remains unsolved in ASC. Why? Another sign of doom for AVCF? Isn't that God's Will? Joshua
If you visit the directory of ADOS, you would notice the following for comparison purposes namely which one is the mother church - All Saints Cathedral or St. Patrick Church in Anglican Sabah?
Is it a sign of doom is near if the mother church ASC is dwindling in priority?
Which one is important - ASC or SPC?
ASC only engages 3 priests excluding the Dean while SPC has 8 priests excluding the Assistant Bishop.
Aren't all priests paid by the ADOS?
If the number of priests give prominence to any church for that matter, then a clarification must come from the ailing Bishop before he passes on...
A precedence had been set and a review is in order.
Remember that the assistant Bishop JY lodged a FALSE Police Report against me more than a year ago and that is the type of leadership you want in ADOS. So far no apology??? why????
We are really upside down...definitely belong to Satanic attack...
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
247. Prepare for the end of AVCF
update 10.51am of 3rd Nov 2103 (page views 316 for 2nd Nov) very good support sustained.
Maybe still very sick but no Medical Report to see and why so easily taken by stupid message?
Even when someone tell you that something of good news in the Bible, many would want to check it out in the Bible.
So so many people want to believe AVCF is very sick and the next script could be AVCF "died" in hospital in the infamous hospital and produce a 'death' certificate and then later AVCF again claimed he 'resurrected' like Jesus or Lazarus? Would anyone believe this and then maybe supported by medical reports and medical witnesses all deemed to be cocked up...So go on praying like fools for the perpetual LIAR. Joshua
update 5.25am on 3rd November, 2013..
Are we not fed up with BISHOPGATE not getting the solution we had hoped for? Many have given up long time ago but there are still some who care but they remain largely anonymous and do not dare to come out to stand on the side of God. Please be convinced God is with us and God needs not to be on our side and it is very important that we stand on the side of God as his followers to see His face sooner or later. Why scared of any man? Whether we are seeing God now or later, we do see God and Jesus in everything we do. I don't need to encourage anyone to take up this role in a solution of the BISHOPGATE, but let God encourage you to do the needful in this time like this. Faith in God would see us through and never give up but put on the armour of God for His battle as we all know. To God, ONE is a majority just like Jesus did. The Bible does say what have you done? Did you deal with the disorder of ADOS? Did you steer the church of God back to health when it was rotting under AVCF and his gang? Ask God what you can do now if you are still unsure. Joshua
update 2.53am on 1st November, 2013
Someone wrote in thetruthasc that a property in Bangkok was bought by AVCF while he was pastor in SPC using SPC money and that is before AVCF became Bishop. How can this be for SPC to buy property or properties outside of Sabah? Was this property registered in his name? This is outrageous and deemed Criminal Breach of Trust or CBT. So why AVCF still in ADOS ? We all know what he should have done long ago. RESIGN and give back to the ADOS, SPC and ASC all those ill gotten gains, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH for that blood sucker and abuse of God's money. Joshua
update 5.57am on 31 Oct., 2013
Tonite, who else are attending the All Saints' School 110 Annual Dinner apart from AVCF?
Would other Anglican bishops be here especially Lapok?
We need to address the constitutional issues of the Global Anglican church vis-a-vis South East Asia in the context of the power hierarchy. Although it is laid out in various Constitutions, there are lop holes and we need to patch lop holes with new strategies and new Constitutions in substantial fashion and not leave it to a single person with the prerogative power always abused even in socalled 'serving God' when it is robbing God. So this is really hard work but we need to get to it.
We need to suspend the Constitutions but how to go about it in Anglican tradition?
The Anglican traditions seem so fine with our self regulation and nothing to do with the Registration of Society. We are under God and that sound very good indeed.
If Lapok and Welby are reluctant or impotent to act, what do we do now?
Maybe we need to start a "revolution" and not an 'evolution" process in the departure to Anglican traditions if silence has any value in our midst of crisis?
So this is the first step of action prior to bring about TRANSFORMATION in the Anglican Communion.
update: 5.41am on 31 Oct., 2013
How do we address this issue "AVCF refused to resign despite all the odds against him"?
With AVCF, the old rotten system and SOP is dictated by him alone and blaming others when things go very wrong.
Before the final chapter on AVCF is closed, we need to pursue the best practice and policy in ADOS.
That is not easy but we need to have a total outlook on the end of BISHOPGATE and a fresh new start on LIFE after BISHOPGATE.
So how would we go about that?
The end of AVCF in ADOS must be near.
So we need to put our heads together to plan for a new beginning and a transition process to rebuild ADOS.
I will be proposing some good measures to be implemented and would appreciate you make some contribution to make a better ADOS for all Christians.
It is very important we take action and make our plan now to enable a proper takeover whenever and wherever desirable.
Much prayers need to go into this preparation.
Maybe still very sick but no Medical Report to see and why so easily taken by stupid message?
Even when someone tell you that something of good news in the Bible, many would want to check it out in the Bible.
So so many people want to believe AVCF is very sick and the next script could be AVCF "died" in hospital in the infamous hospital and produce a 'death' certificate and then later AVCF again claimed he 'resurrected' like Jesus or Lazarus? Would anyone believe this and then maybe supported by medical reports and medical witnesses all deemed to be cocked up...So go on praying like fools for the perpetual LIAR. Joshua
update 5.25am on 3rd November, 2013..
Are we not fed up with BISHOPGATE not getting the solution we had hoped for? Many have given up long time ago but there are still some who care but they remain largely anonymous and do not dare to come out to stand on the side of God. Please be convinced God is with us and God needs not to be on our side and it is very important that we stand on the side of God as his followers to see His face sooner or later. Why scared of any man? Whether we are seeing God now or later, we do see God and Jesus in everything we do. I don't need to encourage anyone to take up this role in a solution of the BISHOPGATE, but let God encourage you to do the needful in this time like this. Faith in God would see us through and never give up but put on the armour of God for His battle as we all know. To God, ONE is a majority just like Jesus did. The Bible does say what have you done? Did you deal with the disorder of ADOS? Did you steer the church of God back to health when it was rotting under AVCF and his gang? Ask God what you can do now if you are still unsure. Joshua
update 2.53am on 1st November, 2013
Someone wrote in thetruthasc that a property in Bangkok was bought by AVCF while he was pastor in SPC using SPC money and that is before AVCF became Bishop. How can this be for SPC to buy property or properties outside of Sabah? Was this property registered in his name? This is outrageous and deemed Criminal Breach of Trust or CBT. So why AVCF still in ADOS ? We all know what he should have done long ago. RESIGN and give back to the ADOS, SPC and ASC all those ill gotten gains, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH for that blood sucker and abuse of God's money. Joshua
update 5.57am on 31 Oct., 2013
Tonite, who else are attending the All Saints' School 110 Annual Dinner apart from AVCF?
Would other Anglican bishops be here especially Lapok?
We need to address the constitutional issues of the Global Anglican church vis-a-vis South East Asia in the context of the power hierarchy. Although it is laid out in various Constitutions, there are lop holes and we need to patch lop holes with new strategies and new Constitutions in substantial fashion and not leave it to a single person with the prerogative power always abused even in socalled 'serving God' when it is robbing God. So this is really hard work but we need to get to it.
We need to suspend the Constitutions but how to go about it in Anglican tradition?
The Anglican traditions seem so fine with our self regulation and nothing to do with the Registration of Society. We are under God and that sound very good indeed.
If Lapok and Welby are reluctant or impotent to act, what do we do now?
Maybe we need to start a "revolution" and not an 'evolution" process in the departure to Anglican traditions if silence has any value in our midst of crisis?
So this is the first step of action prior to bring about TRANSFORMATION in the Anglican Communion.
update: 5.41am on 31 Oct., 2013
How do we address this issue "AVCF refused to resign despite all the odds against him"?
With AVCF, the old rotten system and SOP is dictated by him alone and blaming others when things go very wrong.
Before the final chapter on AVCF is closed, we need to pursue the best practice and policy in ADOS.
That is not easy but we need to have a total outlook on the end of BISHOPGATE and a fresh new start on LIFE after BISHOPGATE.
So how would we go about that?
The end of AVCF in ADOS must be near.
So we need to put our heads together to plan for a new beginning and a transition process to rebuild ADOS.
I will be proposing some good measures to be implemented and would appreciate you make some contribution to make a better ADOS for all Christians.
It is very important we take action and make our plan now to enable a proper takeover whenever and wherever desirable.
Much prayers need to go into this preparation.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
246. Blame AVCF but pray?
update 4.45am on 1st Nov 2013 - All saints day
a surprise move when a byelection in Sungai Limau, the St Mark Anglican
church in Butterworth is visited by PAS top leaders for a dialogue with
http://anilnetto.com/religion- and-ethnicity/christianity/ now-khalid-samad-and-hanipa- visit-st-marks-anglican- church/
Would that surprise move be an opening for the gospel now?
All Saints' day be really meaningful for all in ADOS and especially for
All Saints' Cathedral, KK starting another century of service for
Christ expecting a great miracle of revival today for Christ's sake.
Keep on praying unceasingly.
God bless all,
update 7.45pm on 31st October, 2013 - please pray

Dear friends,
When you read this latest item of attack on the Indah Anglican Church and no more beautiful (Indah) when the church wall is defaced or viewed another angle it is "Writing on the Wall". We are not told of the provocative words in the graffiti and I believe this is the first time our Anglican church is under such an attack. So without knowing the provocative words, let the Spirit of God leads us into prayers and unceasing prayers as any such attack is now a burden for all Christians and Anglicans.
ADOS has not being under attack but AVCF is under "attack" for known serious wrong done.We cannot take it lightly for the attack on IAC representing Anglican Churches in Sabah and beyond.
Now we all witness the attack on Indah Anglican Church but God's church is still beautiful or Indah no matter what had happened but a pressing message is for us to uphold the body of Christ.
So on 1st November, as an All Saints' Day, our corporate prayers would be answered accordingly
Would appreciate that someone post a common prayers for us as a guide?
update at 7.39pm 30 Oct, 2013 -Which church is this? Good Shepherd??? Who are so daring to do it inside the church compound if not an internal conflict? Please enlighten Anglicans? Don't stir up fire by blaming others as it is too dangerous? What are the provocative words that can be so provocative to Anglicans? Has this got anything to do with the present BISHOPGATE? Who is the next Bishop of Sabah if AVCF is forced to resign for all the good reasons? We all want answers??? Joshua
October, 28, 2013 - 9:40 pm
Sandakan police chief Asst Comm Rowel Marong said the culprits had scratched both vehicles and deflated the tyres on Saturday, according to a report in the Star.
He said they also wrote “provocative” words using permanent marker pens on the vans as well as the door of the church located about 10kms from downtown Sandakan.
Rowell said police are probing the incidents as vandalism.
Dear Rev Moses,
Thank you very much for the prayer items over the 'attack' on Indah Anglican Church in Sandakan.http://anilnetto.com/religion-

update 7.45pm on 31st October, 2013 - please pray

5:19 PM (2 hours ago)
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Brother Joshua,
Greetings. Again, thanks for your concern. Allow me to suggest some prayer points for the situation. We ought
- give thanks that no one is physically hurt and that all properties are intact, nothing lost;
- pray that God may frustrate the plans of those who wish to exploit the situation for their own mileage - political, spiritual, etc.
- pray that God may help the police in their work on this matter;
- pray that God may protect Rev Alan Lim and the whole church from further disturbances; and that the work of the gospel in that area may flourish unhindered;
- pray for the perpetrators. They are in need (though they may not acknowledge it); and that the church, even Indah Church, may reach out to them, and people with similar needs, with the love of God;
- pray that the work of the gospel in the whole diocese be protected from the Evil One;
- pray for ourselves that we may seek to glorify Him as we help one another to "grow in every way and be more like Christ" Eph 4:15.
"For all the saints who from their labours rest,
Who Thee by faith before the world confessed;
Thy name, O Jesus, be forever blessed,
Alleluia, Alleluia!"
Happy All Saints' Day, brother. Be in touch.
In fellowship,
MosesDear friends,
When you read this latest item of attack on the Indah Anglican Church and no more beautiful (Indah) when the church wall is defaced or viewed another angle it is "Writing on the Wall". We are not told of the provocative words in the graffiti and I believe this is the first time our Anglican church is under such an attack. So without knowing the provocative words, let the Spirit of God leads us into prayers and unceasing prayers as any such attack is now a burden for all Christians and Anglicans.
ADOS has not being under attack but AVCF is under "attack" for known serious wrong done.We cannot take it lightly for the attack on IAC representing Anglican Churches in Sabah and beyond.
Now we all witness the attack on Indah Anglican Church but God's church is still beautiful or Indah no matter what had happened but a pressing message is for us to uphold the body of Christ.
So on 1st November, as an All Saints' Day, our corporate prayers would be answered accordingly
Would appreciate that someone post a common prayers for us as a guide?
Dear bro Joshua,
Tq for your concern. It's Indah Anglican Church being reported here.
IAC is a 'shoplot church'; in the midst of a few eating places
frequented by all sorts of people. Last Sunday, we found some graffiti
on the outside wall of the church. A police report was made
immediately. They have come since, interviewed a few people and took some statements. We are leaving them to do their investigation.
We don't think it is anything serious. Let's hope not, anyway. Maybe
just expressions of frustrated young people over some failed
relationships. But nonetheless, thanks again for your concern, brother.
In fellowship,
update at 7.39pm 30 Oct, 2013 -Which church is this? Good Shepherd??? Who are so daring to do it inside the church compound if not an internal conflict? Please enlighten Anglicans? Don't stir up fire by blaming others as it is too dangerous? What are the provocative words that can be so provocative to Anglicans? Has this got anything to do with the present BISHOPGATE? Who is the next Bishop of Sabah if AVCF is forced to resign for all the good reasons? We all want answers??? Joshua
October, 28, 2013 - 9:40 pm
Vandals behind door markings at S’kan Anglican church
KOTA KINABALU: The doors of the Anglican church in the east coast Sandakan along with two vans were vandalised and police are on the trail of the vandals.Sandakan police chief Asst Comm Rowel Marong said the culprits had scratched both vehicles and deflated the tyres on Saturday, according to a report in the Star.
He said they also wrote “provocative” words using permanent marker pens on the vans as well as the door of the church located about 10kms from downtown Sandakan.
Rowell said police are probing the incidents as vandalism.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
245. Does this car AV668 belong to AVCF?
update 10.46pm -28 October 2013 ---
BTW, there is press item in DE today that a man (name not given) aged 56 driving a toyota camry just managed to escape the fallen tree near Kepayan Ridge in the Sunday Morning. Maybe this man sound like AVCF as he would like attended Good Sam last Sunday or yesterday. Anyone to confirm this? Joshua
updated: 27 Oct 2013--
Actually I had just seen this car on the Jalan Lintas a day before Foh Sang but I saw it again stopped at the roundabout in an awkward position to the other cars passing there. Joshua
Is this AVCF's new car with special number plate AV668 (gospel of prosperity) in town?
Was it broken down in the roundabout in Foh Sang opposite KFC?
BTW, there is press item in DE today that a man (name not given) aged 56 driving a toyota camry just managed to escape the fallen tree near Kepayan Ridge in the Sunday Morning. Maybe this man sound like AVCF as he would like attended Good Sam last Sunday or yesterday. Anyone to confirm this? Joshua
updated: 27 Oct 2013--
Actually I had just seen this car on the Jalan Lintas a day before Foh Sang but I saw it again stopped at the roundabout in an awkward position to the other cars passing there. Joshua
Is this AVCF's new car with special number plate AV668 (gospel of prosperity) in town?
Was it broken down in the roundabout in Foh Sang opposite KFC?
244. An old letter from BAV???
update 11am on 6th Nov., 2013
The devil and evil in AVCF and his gang is working against God without the Hospital Medical Report and ADOS is losing much money to all the scammers here and Singapore...and yet Anglicans are so stupid to prayers to ask God when the crimes against God as an 'anointed' deception. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH ---Joshua
update 10.12 am 27 Oct 2013 (posted in the truthasc)
Don't be a fool as we had fallen many time to the fooling/scams of AVCF and his gangs.
What we need now is the comprehensive Hospital medical report to seek second opinion on that report.
Imagine, AVCF claimed to have come back to ADOS in September 2013 to a grand celebrations after the supposedly punitive Sabbatical leave which was belittled by AVCF himself. But God knows.
Now if AVCF is healed for 4th Stage when it is false, he would claim God heals him and he would not give any credit for those who prayed. So he would claim his anointing and greater power in Satan with his old ways of doing things - Prerogative etc. Imagine that kind of scenario of a leopard or liar not changed at all but God knows. God also know why we are so stupid without a Medical Report.
Don't let Satan have a greater hold on ADOS and ASC.
Joshua Kong
update 7.10pm 26/10/13 posted in thetruthasc --
updated 1.33pm 25/10/2013
Who would be visiting AVCF in hospital ? Is that an imagination during his sleepless nights and days of drowsiness that many visited him? Are satanic forces also visiting him? When was he actually in hospital? Would the hospital really allow so many people visit him? How would so many people know he is in that hospital? Without a proper medical report, we have to be cautious about the claims of AVCF. Would he now miss his new car AV 668? Joshua
undated??? where is the Hospital's medical report? Joshua
Letter to Clergy and Pastors
My dear clergy, pastors and leaders,
I believe by now many of you would have heard that I was diagnosed with pancreatic
cancer. Because of the nature of the cancer, I will begin chemotherapy treatment
starting next week. Meanwhile many came whilst I am in Singapore to pray and
minister to me. I have been greatly helped. Do continue to pray for me that my
body will respond positively to the medication so that the cancerous cells would be
destroyed. Pray for complete and miraculous healing from the Lord. My trust is
completely our Lord Jesus Christ. He alone can do the impossible. 2 Timothy 1:12
'That is why I am suffering as I am. Yet this is no cause for shame, because I know
whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have
entrusted to him until that day.'
Please mobilize prayer covering for me daily. We will see God's victory in this. Also
mobilize the whole church to continue upholding me and my family in prayer.
I encourage you to to continue leading your church faithfully in evangelism and
discipleship. Do not let anything hinder us from fulfilling what God has called us
and commissioned us to do. We all have only one life to live, so let us live fully and
passionately for the glory of God. I will remember you before the Lord.
Let us be united under Christ's banner. Let us all be steadfast in all our works. In
due time, the Lord will give a mighty harvest. Let us depend on the power of the Holy Spirit in all we do.
May the Lord bless you richly.
Warmly in Christ,
Bishop Vun
The devil and evil in AVCF and his gang is working against God without the Hospital Medical Report and ADOS is losing much money to all the scammers here and Singapore...and yet Anglicans are so stupid to prayers to ask God when the crimes against God as an 'anointed' deception. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH ---Joshua
update 10.12 am 27 Oct 2013 (posted in the truthasc)
Don't be a fool as we had fallen many time to the fooling/scams of AVCF and his gangs.
What we need now is the comprehensive Hospital medical report to seek second opinion on that report.
Imagine, AVCF claimed to have come back to ADOS in September 2013 to a grand celebrations after the supposedly punitive Sabbatical leave which was belittled by AVCF himself. But God knows.
Now if AVCF is healed for 4th Stage when it is false, he would claim God heals him and he would not give any credit for those who prayed. So he would claim his anointing and greater power in Satan with his old ways of doing things - Prerogative etc. Imagine that kind of scenario of a leopard or liar not changed at all but God knows. God also know why we are so stupid without a Medical Report.
Don't let Satan have a greater hold on ADOS and ASC.
Joshua Kong
update 7.10pm 26/10/13 posted in thetruthasc --
An Update of BAV’s Condition
It is reported Bishop Albert Vun’s pancreatic cancer is at Stage 4,
and has spread to other organs. He undergoes 12 rounds of chemo
therapy, once every two weeks. The first one was conducted this Monday.
The American Cancer Society observes the 5-year survival rate of Stage 4
pancreatic cancer patients at 1%. Bishop Albert Vun admitted there is no cure for his illness, unless there is a miraculous healing.
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
There is nothing that can substitute a full hospital medical
report to get to the root of this unexpected scenario which could have
been a victim for a long time not so sudden. WE all know who AVCF is
capable to do after so many ‘crocodile tears’ to avoid his Crimes.updated 1.33pm 25/10/2013
Who would be visiting AVCF in hospital ? Is that an imagination during his sleepless nights and days of drowsiness that many visited him? Are satanic forces also visiting him? When was he actually in hospital? Would the hospital really allow so many people visit him? How would so many people know he is in that hospital? Without a proper medical report, we have to be cautious about the claims of AVCF. Would he now miss his new car AV 668? Joshua
undated??? where is the Hospital's medical report? Joshua
Letter to Clergy and Pastors
My dear clergy, pastors and leaders,
I believe by now many of you would have heard that I was diagnosed with pancreatic
cancer. Because of the nature of the cancer, I will begin chemotherapy treatment
starting next week. Meanwhile many came whilst I am in Singapore to pray and
minister to me. I have been greatly helped. Do continue to pray for me that my
body will respond positively to the medication so that the cancerous cells would be
destroyed. Pray for complete and miraculous healing from the Lord. My trust is
completely our Lord Jesus Christ. He alone can do the impossible. 2 Timothy 1:12
'That is why I am suffering as I am. Yet this is no cause for shame, because I know
whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have
entrusted to him until that day.'
Please mobilize prayer covering for me daily. We will see God's victory in this. Also
mobilize the whole church to continue upholding me and my family in prayer.
I encourage you to to continue leading your church faithfully in evangelism and
discipleship. Do not let anything hinder us from fulfilling what God has called us
and commissioned us to do. We all have only one life to live, so let us live fully and
passionately for the glory of God. I will remember you before the Lord.
Let us be united under Christ's banner. Let us all be steadfast in all our works. In
due time, the Lord will give a mighty harvest. Let us depend on the power of the Holy Spirit in all we do.
May the Lord bless you richly.
Warmly in Christ,
Bishop Vun
Saturday, October 19, 2013
243. An End to AVCF known as the Great Liar
updated 5.48am on 13 Nov., 2013 --
also posted in thetruthasc.blog.
Prayers Warriors,
Please address this suspected problem of many outside priests working in ADOS & ASC for possible violation of the Immigration laws without "work permit." This can give the "ALLAH" Government to hit back at Anglicans and close down ADOS and its church like they do for "DEMOLITION " of the Hindu Temple in KL for alleged storing of alcohol there.
So AVCF must come clean not exploiting this EVIL to cause our own downfall.
I had wanted to enquire this issue with the Dean Chak but the meeting never materialise since March, 2013.
We need a full report on this possible violation now. I don't think it is any easy to get "work permit" and a whole range of related problems. The other issue is the foreigners voting in Anglican churches and also possibly holding offices. - Joshua
Update 5.04am on 3rd November, 2013
Without full Hospital medical report, many people believe what AVCF claim and many are also praying for AVCF are indeed he is very sick in mind (denials of crimes etc), sick in the body (cancer?), sick in the emotion (screaming in the pulpit), sick in the spirit (life in disarray) and what else do we want to do or do nothing until he passes away leaving the great mess created by him without solution. Is this the way of someone claiming to be working for God and more so claim to be "ANOINTED" - my foot?? So start now whoever you are, find quick SOLUTION to the BISHOPGATE - God bless - Joshua
Update 7.02am on 2nd November, 2013
Why still no show of the FULL Hospital's medical report?
Why allow this to go on to curse others with LIES?
Update 6.38 pm on 1st November, 2013.
Can AVCF show us his will now before he passes on?
I don't think anyone can dispute his Will if he is gone.
Even now we cannot see his Will? How can we see his will even if it is the Court.
We know some of the ADOS assets local and foreign are registered in his name not God's name and the money comes from God's money? Any sane person would tell us we cannot touch the Will if AVCF is not around. It is very difficult to recover those assets even if trustee agreements are made for foreign assets. In the first place, as a sole trustee in ADOS, AVCF is not authorised to buy assets using God's money. We know it now and why we still take no action to recover those illegal assets?
AVCF is indeed insane to allow himself and his family to be cursed one way or another for his crimes dying with him and expecting to meet Jesus?
So this is the final notice that AVCF comes clean now with a Will and disclose who are his nominees if any and dispose all his assets likely purchased with God's money (including "kickbacks" if any?) and return the money to ADOS.
Update 4.25pm on 31 Oct., 2013 (page views 267- 30 Oct)
Who actually decided on the purchase of the 5 storey shophouse in Tmn Sulaman where only the top floor is heavily renovated for the Sulaman Anglican Church (SAC) when the other 4 floors are empty for more than 12 months, hence wasting God's money like the money belongs to AVCF. Why use the top floor when it is so inconvenient for the elderly to climb? Could have used the ground floor or first floor for the church until the floors concerned are let out. How much wasted for this church, AVCF must be held responsible and this alone is good enough to sack him as Bishop.. Enough is Enough for an unfit man to be bishop and fellow Anglicans cannot turn blind eyes to this excessive profligacy. There are other reasons why this SAC is superfluous to the area with Christ the King down the road nearby. Now it is likely both churches would draw few people. Joshua
Update 3.40pm on 30 0ct., 2013
What are we waiting for if AVCF is so sick without full Hospital medical reports and how can he remain as a lame-duck Bishop? How can he not be removed ? Why should we allow him to stay in office when ADOS does not to the CRIMINALS so reluctant to go away with so many warnings? It is already a very messy thing in ADOS since 2006 and messy every where he had been since the early 1980s, and yet if he is really sick and be incapacitated or just pass away or simply disappear , ADOS would have a much bigger mess if not resolved now with a new system to take over the control of the ADOS with a totally new Council of 12 new men and women? This is needed so that what ever still outstanding should be sorted out with AVCF still around unless he decides to go into oblivion for he cannot really face the world now. God is in control.
If the interim organisation does not take place and not approved by AVCF, then it is indeed a scam by AVCF in his script to get away from whatever pressure piling up like his crocodile tears to misled other and now with the 'death-bed' wish to trick others as it is the last resort to achieve his devilish ways and no doubt anymore as all his tricks are already exposed in his behaviours, and deception and published every where especially in the blogs. There is also the rumour?? of a "second or third or fourth wife" in Thailand??? Such rumour is indeed damaging to the Anglican church with an unfit person helming the church. Joshua
update 9.44am on 30 oct 2013 (page view 266)
Who are so daring to disturb the Anglican church in Sandakan?
I think AVCF need to make a statement. Joshua
update 7.24pm on 29 Oct 2013
Does anyone know who was the doctor in KK (if any) who recommended avcf to the hospital in Singapore and if so we can also get a Medical report from the local doctor? Joshua
update 2.22pm on 29th October, 2013 - also posted in thetruthasc on the item "update on AVCF's condition" --- (page views - 342)
AVCF is not sick as what is claimed unless a full Hospital Medical Report is exhibited.
What AVCF had done is unforgivable as the Bible says about 'mortal' sin. How can AVCF right those wrongs?
AVCF had exhibited he is god or even greater than God as he has the prerogative to do as he likes and spends God's money as he wills. Since Jesus is God and he does not scream at his sheep but you all know how he screamed and mocked others as if he is God.
A bad bishop goes straight to HELL according to the Bible as all sinners and unforgiven people go there. It is very clear in the Bible.
Joshua Kong
update 10.47pm 28th October, 2013 -
anyone of you attending the AS School 110's anniversary dinner at the Magellan sutera on Halloween night - very interesting? Please update me, TQVM. Joshua
update 8.33am on 28 Oct 2013 (page views 307 27/10) still supported and viewed blog.
Where is the full Hospital Medical Report ? Please exhibit it
in ADOS website. How many more chemo sessions to come and see the charges too. Thank you.
update 5.45am 28th Oct 2013 (posted in thetruthasc.blog)
see the latest
4th stage??? Pancreatic cancer and no Hospital’s medical report in full???
update 8.13pm 27 oct 2013 (posted in thetruthasc.blog)
Whether we like it or not and is the cancer genuine without Hospital full medical reports (daily reports) for such an 'important" person, it is indeed God's Will with the latest development as AVCF and his gang cannot hide any more as these are the words in the lips of his supporters or cronies - "let God deal with AVCF", and is this coming true now? God has not answered our prayers or does not need to answer our prayers but God is omnipotence, omnipresence and almighty and He is just watching what His true followers do when the Church is rotting under the burden, sin and crimes of AVCF and his gang.
Do we still need to argue any more?
update 10.13 am 27 Oct 2013 (posted in the truthasc)
Don't be a fool as we had fallen many time to the fooling/scams of AVCF and his gangs.
What we need now is the comprehensive Hospital medical report to seek second opinion on that report.
Imagine, AVCF claimed to have come back to ADOS in September 2013 to a grand celebrations after the supposedly punitive Sabbatical leave which was belittled by AVCF himself. But God knows.
Now if AVCF is healed for 4th Stage when it is false, he would claim God heals him and he would not give any credit for those who prayed. So he would claim his anointing and greater power in Satan with his old ways of doing things - Prerogative etc. Imagine that kind of scenario of a leopard or liar not changed at all but God knows. God also know why we are so stupid without a Medical Report.
Don't let Satan have a greater hold on ADOS and ASC.
Joshua Kong
update 27/10/2013 page views with good support and interest at 327 (26/10)
What do you think of these names in ADOS and the meanings of these names - Vun, Chew (Singapore), Tais, Yeo and Lapok, and we have to wake up to these meaningful signs of the time and how do we want to deal with the signs and of course with prayers and caution. The fact is all there and we can reflect and pray. Joshua
update 26/10/2013
pages views 289 (22/10) 282 (23/10) 198 (24/10) 314 (25/10) means well supported as the death or end of AVCF is awaited in ADOS. Unless we see the medical report now, AVCF can twist as he is liar since childhood (leopard does not change the spots), who say I was sick with cancer? So see all those fools praying for him when he is trying avoid come to ASC on All Saints Day and the Court case on 3rd December, 2013. We need to be told the truth but AVCF had been lying since the days of Good Sam in the midst 1980s. Satan also used God for its evil schemes and no different with AVCF. Joshua
update 6.36pm 25/10/13
Interesting as the BISHOPGATE spreads wider and the day to watch is 3rd December, 2013? No cover up please. We should pray harder for this day for this is the day that the Lord would clearly shows the way forwarding for a new beginning in ADOS and beyond. Joshua
update 4.55pm on 24/10/13
Who can accept the CEO to be absent including attending to medical needs without medical report and no news from the CEO about the status? It is already one week and in medical term it is too long. I don't this AVCF would accept anyone including the Lapok to supervise him because he is recalcitrant with the prerogative abuses in all he did since 2006. Now what goes round comes around. Enough is enough. AVCF went on to 7 months of wasteful Sabbatical leave and treated it as an ALL PAID holiday with his family. Should he not be sacked if he cannot produce a medical certificate? If AVCF cannot perform for his 7 years of abuses, and now he should resign immediately. How can ADOS be under sort of curse of allowed abuses even after guilt had been exposed? We are all answerable to God now.. Joshua
update 5.27am 24/10/13
Is this part of the script, and is AVCF dead or alive after almost a week of absence possibly absence without leave as there must be medical reports daily for such an "important" person. Medical leave is a privilege and cannot be abused. Is he in Singapore or else where? All these things can be checked if SILENCE is deafening!!! Then a Police Report be made for a missing person otherwise all payments from ADOS for AVCF and his family be withheld as he is not entitled. Joshua 24th Oct., 2013
update 7.10pm 23/10/13
we can go on praying whatever the Spirit leads but everyone should be given update daily as AVCF is paid by the ADOS to be regulated. AVCF does not own ADOS. God is God of order. Otherwise someone needs to lodge Police Report for missing person AWOL..
update 5.32am 23 Oct 2013
the page views for 16/10 [140]; 17/10 [85]; 18/10 [134]; 19/10 [277]; 20/10 [432]; 21/10 [324]; 22/10 [289], and see how the keen interests shown here with some sort of divine direction....
God bless all who have faith in God and lay bare to Him alone....Joshua
update 8.51pm --- still no news of the condition of AVCF???
For such an important person, there should be hourly update from the Hospital so that those who pray for him be encouraged?
BTW, is he still in the hospital room or bed?
Are any of you really so innocent to believe such a big liar even till the day he told others of his medical condition - genuine???
He could have done something huge even at the last minute against ADOS and feigned sickness to escape blame should what he did be exposed later this mess and wickedness be irreparable, too bad for ADOS and ASC. You all don't believe me and AVCF would not be around to be accountable as his scam is damn crazy!!! His greed has got the better of him. Joshua
update at 8.10am after yesterday 324 pages views and a day earlier it was 432..
So it is a catch22 matter and whatever it is good news for ADOS.
update 7.39am 22 oct 2013 (pages views yesterday @432 and today 313) very impressive and indicative
Any news from the Hospital in Singapore about his "urgent" chemotherapy" possibly done yesterday Monday? How is he? Still alive? Has God spoken to him? It is good to be in pain and then hear God properly and not to think of other vices!!!!
Update 9.07pm 21/10/13
Where and when can AVCF end?
Many options for him turning in his head:-
1. Bukit Padang Mental Hospital
2. Prison
3. Kokol Prayer Mountain - too lonely there and can become insane too.
4. ARK, Likas for incapacity to work and end up with early retirement.
5. Hospital as an escape to another country.
6. Thailand where he had tested the Visa for evangelists and where there are two places under his personal paid by ADOS.
7. RANSIT where he can preach after depositing RM85,000 for his special PR visa to not many members;
8. London after 'change of identity' where he can preach to foreigners about his very poor children swimming in the river in birthday suit and where he has big fat bank account transfer from Nigeria.
9. To HELL only if he cannot ask God to forgive him after ruining ADOS and God's church.
10. He could be the banker in Hell with his accumulated fortune...
I know many undecided Anglicans are praying that AVCF can go to heaven when all scams end in Singapore Hospital. Did AVCF include this ending in his final chapter of his script?
Update: 3.42pm 21/10/2013
I see some of those few prayers in thetruthasc are actually mocking God when AVCF declared only a couple of weeks ago, he had done anything wrong and that he would not resign as a great sinner like AVCF cannot repent after God had been speaking to him through the concerned members of KK churches, which AVCF and gang rejected. Does anyone now think they are not mocking God when AVCF in all aspects had rejected God because he is "self-anointed" by his words and deed - heard or unheard; done or undone even in his heart? God had given him countless of chances to change his spots like someone called SPOT-on and that is what God is SPOT-ON on AVCF to send him to HELL as the Anglican churches in Sabah especially in KK are all broken and some had closed down and some are on the verge of closing and those new churches are almost empty and that is evangelism of AVCF with a very bad model but famous and infamous with so many wrong items known and unknown. Lets see how many women would be crying if ever pass away or simply disappear into oblivion by change of name!!! The day of reckoning of his private hidden life would be exposed soon unless he confess now.
Why should we pray for others if they are not appreciated although we pray on the urgings of the Holy Spirit? I and Richard Chang did a hospital visit and prayed for a brother more than10 years ago and that brother had a terrible heart problem (I think you know who) and recently many times I met him around the ASC, he did turn his head down or away and is that an attitude to be pleasing to AVCF? Is that NOT mocking God for his brother who took special effort to pray for him on the dead bed? This brother should ask God now. I am not offended at all but God is offended for the body of Christ is broken as I know I have the blessing now and forever. I am writing here to remind others that who can break the WILL of God, no matter how hard we pray but God is God and Let God be God and cannot be bribed by some sweet words from a blackened heart? God's way is much greater than our way. Anyway no harm trying again and again as it is going change ourselves in prayers...Joshua
Update at 4.45am-
This item of the PAIN of avcf in this blog is attracting much readership (for what I do not know as I don't get LIVE information from the Hospital), the numbers of pages reviewed are shooting up even in the wee hours today, and thank you for all your concern to be placed in the RIGHT perspective. Go on praying as we must do...You can see the statistics of the pages review by clicking the "Overview" on the top left of the index ..Joshua
Update 4.24am 21 October, 2013
Update 7.36pm --
I believe some of you could have noticed cheating by the hospital in Singapore if you have family members going there for treatment. Some of you could be cheated without knowing it and the legal process could be long winded. So anything can happen to the TPW AVCF - a mastermind of scams to run down ADOS in so many ways, and even if we notice it we may not have the locus standi to fight the case except to lodge complaint to the Police and the PM of Singapore, but it is definitely a tedious effort when we have crooks and criminals in ADOS and God I pray you would end all these burden quickly as the purpose of your church on earth is to spread the Gospel of Christ but God's money cannot be misused for the wrong purposes. So I appeal to the Standing Committee not to give in to pay any thing to the hospital without all the proper documents which should be scrutinised by the Synod. Of course, AVCF himself pay for all fees and Anglicans restrain from giving money when in doubt and to avoid the scams of AVCF and his gang already known. I am at this stage trying to be a whistleblower for the latest developments which sound strange for such short notice as those involved would be sure that their conspiracy would be hidden forever.
Anglicans have been cheated by AVCF so many times and sort of resolved by crocodile tears which unfortunately does not work any more and so the latest effort would work again for the biggest liar.
Update at 4.30pm and also posted in thetruthasc --
As far as I am concerned, it is a great lie like crocodile tears and scared that the spirit-filled members at ASC would find out the truth of this sort of scam to get sympathy and donations from Anglicans near and far.
Which hospital and where is the Hospital Report.
If it is a Singapore hospital, it is likely the same hospital that cheated my father-in-law and the family of a few hundred thousand ringgit for a fake operation that was never done. my fil passed away a few years later. The cheating would go on on the desperate fools aplenty around.
I brought up this case with LKY and half of the hospital was closed a few years later. The hospital also gave a fake medical report as proven by missing words and the incorrect age of amended medical report of another patients. Just change the name..
The doctor in KK who recommended fil to that hospital knew about the rich sons he had and so this can also happen with avcf likely financed by the millions in ADOS.
Unless we view the Hospital medical report, we should investigate as lies by avcf and his gang have aplenty.
post in thetruthasc ---
If AVCF is really sick and almost dying, it is a price he has to pay for his sin and crimes in ADOS for more than twenty years socalled serving God.
One thing now is that we need to see the Hospital's medical report before the church can do anything for him.
There are the upside and downside of this case so suddenly exposed in such ways.
When I wanted to serve him the Writ of Summon on 23rd July, 2012 and the Court Order under Anton Piller, S. Foo told that let God punish him, and although I disagree at that time, and now with the incurable attack, is this God's Will for him as the 'anointed' one. That is the upside of the impasse.
The downside can be various like the ADOS may incur much fund to pursue treatment even it is hopeless.
Why not look to God in Christ first rather than go to the hospital without announcing it to the church?
We need to take this latest tale with a big spot of salt. Sorry to say that.
We know the character of AVCF through and through especially with recent vendetta as pancreatic cancer does not develop overnight, and it can be a scam - another one too many for the Great Liar.
Like Thomas, he asked Jesus to show him the scar of crucifixion, we Anglicans need to know the full details before AVCF be given any assistance. Isn't this another crocodile tear in his script written since his childhood?
Visit him and pray for him, but do not forget if it is God's Will, the end of AVCF with this name is very near.
God bless all Anglicans in Sabah & beyond with the close of a chapter of AVCF.
also posted in thetruthasc.blog.
Prayers Warriors,
Please address this suspected problem of many outside priests working in ADOS & ASC for possible violation of the Immigration laws without "work permit." This can give the "ALLAH" Government to hit back at Anglicans and close down ADOS and its church like they do for "DEMOLITION " of the Hindu Temple in KL for alleged storing of alcohol there.
So AVCF must come clean not exploiting this EVIL to cause our own downfall.
I had wanted to enquire this issue with the Dean Chak but the meeting never materialise since March, 2013.
We need a full report on this possible violation now. I don't think it is any easy to get "work permit" and a whole range of related problems. The other issue is the foreigners voting in Anglican churches and also possibly holding offices. - Joshua
Update 5.04am on 3rd November, 2013
Without full Hospital medical report, many people believe what AVCF claim and many are also praying for AVCF are indeed he is very sick in mind (denials of crimes etc), sick in the body (cancer?), sick in the emotion (screaming in the pulpit), sick in the spirit (life in disarray) and what else do we want to do or do nothing until he passes away leaving the great mess created by him without solution. Is this the way of someone claiming to be working for God and more so claim to be "ANOINTED" - my foot?? So start now whoever you are, find quick SOLUTION to the BISHOPGATE - God bless - Joshua
Update 7.02am on 2nd November, 2013
Why still no show of the FULL Hospital's medical report?
Why allow this to go on to curse others with LIES?
Update 6.38 pm on 1st November, 2013.
Can AVCF show us his will now before he passes on?
I don't think anyone can dispute his Will if he is gone.
Even now we cannot see his Will? How can we see his will even if it is the Court.
We know some of the ADOS assets local and foreign are registered in his name not God's name and the money comes from God's money? Any sane person would tell us we cannot touch the Will if AVCF is not around. It is very difficult to recover those assets even if trustee agreements are made for foreign assets. In the first place, as a sole trustee in ADOS, AVCF is not authorised to buy assets using God's money. We know it now and why we still take no action to recover those illegal assets?
AVCF is indeed insane to allow himself and his family to be cursed one way or another for his crimes dying with him and expecting to meet Jesus?
So this is the final notice that AVCF comes clean now with a Will and disclose who are his nominees if any and dispose all his assets likely purchased with God's money (including "kickbacks" if any?) and return the money to ADOS.
Update 4.25pm on 31 Oct., 2013 (page views 267- 30 Oct)
Who actually decided on the purchase of the 5 storey shophouse in Tmn Sulaman where only the top floor is heavily renovated for the Sulaman Anglican Church (SAC) when the other 4 floors are empty for more than 12 months, hence wasting God's money like the money belongs to AVCF. Why use the top floor when it is so inconvenient for the elderly to climb? Could have used the ground floor or first floor for the church until the floors concerned are let out. How much wasted for this church, AVCF must be held responsible and this alone is good enough to sack him as Bishop.. Enough is Enough for an unfit man to be bishop and fellow Anglicans cannot turn blind eyes to this excessive profligacy. There are other reasons why this SAC is superfluous to the area with Christ the King down the road nearby. Now it is likely both churches would draw few people. Joshua
Update 3.40pm on 30 0ct., 2013
What are we waiting for if AVCF is so sick without full Hospital medical reports and how can he remain as a lame-duck Bishop? How can he not be removed ? Why should we allow him to stay in office when ADOS does not to the CRIMINALS so reluctant to go away with so many warnings? It is already a very messy thing in ADOS since 2006 and messy every where he had been since the early 1980s, and yet if he is really sick and be incapacitated or just pass away or simply disappear , ADOS would have a much bigger mess if not resolved now with a new system to take over the control of the ADOS with a totally new Council of 12 new men and women? This is needed so that what ever still outstanding should be sorted out with AVCF still around unless he decides to go into oblivion for he cannot really face the world now. God is in control.
If the interim organisation does not take place and not approved by AVCF, then it is indeed a scam by AVCF in his script to get away from whatever pressure piling up like his crocodile tears to misled other and now with the 'death-bed' wish to trick others as it is the last resort to achieve his devilish ways and no doubt anymore as all his tricks are already exposed in his behaviours, and deception and published every where especially in the blogs. There is also the rumour?? of a "second or third or fourth wife" in Thailand??? Such rumour is indeed damaging to the Anglican church with an unfit person helming the church. Joshua
update 9.44am on 30 oct 2013 (page view 266)
Who are so daring to disturb the Anglican church in Sandakan?
I think AVCF need to make a statement. Joshua
update 7.24pm on 29 Oct 2013
Does anyone know who was the doctor in KK (if any) who recommended avcf to the hospital in Singapore and if so we can also get a Medical report from the local doctor? Joshua
update 2.22pm on 29th October, 2013 - also posted in thetruthasc on the item "update on AVCF's condition" --- (page views - 342)
AVCF is not sick as what is claimed unless a full Hospital Medical Report is exhibited.
What AVCF had done is unforgivable as the Bible says about 'mortal' sin. How can AVCF right those wrongs?
AVCF had exhibited he is god or even greater than God as he has the prerogative to do as he likes and spends God's money as he wills. Since Jesus is God and he does not scream at his sheep but you all know how he screamed and mocked others as if he is God.
A bad bishop goes straight to HELL according to the Bible as all sinners and unforgiven people go there. It is very clear in the Bible.
Joshua Kong
update 10.47pm 28th October, 2013 -
anyone of you attending the AS School 110's anniversary dinner at the Magellan sutera on Halloween night - very interesting? Please update me, TQVM. Joshua
update 8.33am on 28 Oct 2013 (page views 307 27/10) still supported and viewed blog.
Where is the full Hospital Medical Report ? Please exhibit it
in ADOS website. How many more chemo sessions to come and see the charges too. Thank you.
update 5.45am 28th Oct 2013 (posted in thetruthasc.blog)
see the latest
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Look at today’s post. Do you see a person with a picture of health ?4th stage??? Pancreatic cancer and no Hospital’s medical report in full???
update 8.13pm 27 oct 2013 (posted in thetruthasc.blog)
Whether we like it or not and is the cancer genuine without Hospital full medical reports (daily reports) for such an 'important" person, it is indeed God's Will with the latest development as AVCF and his gang cannot hide any more as these are the words in the lips of his supporters or cronies - "let God deal with AVCF", and is this coming true now? God has not answered our prayers or does not need to answer our prayers but God is omnipotence, omnipresence and almighty and He is just watching what His true followers do when the Church is rotting under the burden, sin and crimes of AVCF and his gang.
Do we still need to argue any more?
update 10.13 am 27 Oct 2013 (posted in the truthasc)
Don't be a fool as we had fallen many time to the fooling/scams of AVCF and his gangs.
What we need now is the comprehensive Hospital medical report to seek second opinion on that report.
Imagine, AVCF claimed to have come back to ADOS in September 2013 to a grand celebrations after the supposedly punitive Sabbatical leave which was belittled by AVCF himself. But God knows.
Now if AVCF is healed for 4th Stage when it is false, he would claim God heals him and he would not give any credit for those who prayed. So he would claim his anointing and greater power in Satan with his old ways of doing things - Prerogative etc. Imagine that kind of scenario of a leopard or liar not changed at all but God knows. God also know why we are so stupid without a Medical Report.
Don't let Satan have a greater hold on ADOS and ASC.
Joshua Kong
update 27/10/2013 page views with good support and interest at 327 (26/10)
What do you think of these names in ADOS and the meanings of these names - Vun, Chew (Singapore), Tais, Yeo and Lapok, and we have to wake up to these meaningful signs of the time and how do we want to deal with the signs and of course with prayers and caution. The fact is all there and we can reflect and pray. Joshua
update 26/10/2013
pages views 289 (22/10) 282 (23/10) 198 (24/10) 314 (25/10) means well supported as the death or end of AVCF is awaited in ADOS. Unless we see the medical report now, AVCF can twist as he is liar since childhood (leopard does not change the spots), who say I was sick with cancer? So see all those fools praying for him when he is trying avoid come to ASC on All Saints Day and the Court case on 3rd December, 2013. We need to be told the truth but AVCF had been lying since the days of Good Sam in the midst 1980s. Satan also used God for its evil schemes and no different with AVCF. Joshua
update 6.36pm 25/10/13
Interesting as the BISHOPGATE spreads wider and the day to watch is 3rd December, 2013? No cover up please. We should pray harder for this day for this is the day that the Lord would clearly shows the way forwarding for a new beginning in ADOS and beyond. Joshua
update 4.55pm on 24/10/13
Who can accept the CEO to be absent including attending to medical needs without medical report and no news from the CEO about the status? It is already one week and in medical term it is too long. I don't this AVCF would accept anyone including the Lapok to supervise him because he is recalcitrant with the prerogative abuses in all he did since 2006. Now what goes round comes around. Enough is enough. AVCF went on to 7 months of wasteful Sabbatical leave and treated it as an ALL PAID holiday with his family. Should he not be sacked if he cannot produce a medical certificate? If AVCF cannot perform for his 7 years of abuses, and now he should resign immediately. How can ADOS be under sort of curse of allowed abuses even after guilt had been exposed? We are all answerable to God now.. Joshua
update 5.27am 24/10/13
Is this part of the script, and is AVCF dead or alive after almost a week of absence possibly absence without leave as there must be medical reports daily for such an "important" person. Medical leave is a privilege and cannot be abused. Is he in Singapore or else where? All these things can be checked if SILENCE is deafening!!! Then a Police Report be made for a missing person otherwise all payments from ADOS for AVCF and his family be withheld as he is not entitled. Joshua 24th Oct., 2013
update 7.10pm 23/10/13
we can go on praying whatever the Spirit leads but everyone should be given update daily as AVCF is paid by the ADOS to be regulated. AVCF does not own ADOS. God is God of order. Otherwise someone needs to lodge Police Report for missing person AWOL..
update 5.32am 23 Oct 2013
the page views for 16/10 [140]; 17/10 [85]; 18/10 [134]; 19/10 [277]; 20/10 [432]; 21/10 [324]; 22/10 [289], and see how the keen interests shown here with some sort of divine direction....
God bless all who have faith in God and lay bare to Him alone....Joshua
update 8.51pm --- still no news of the condition of AVCF???
For such an important person, there should be hourly update from the Hospital so that those who pray for him be encouraged?
BTW, is he still in the hospital room or bed?
Are any of you really so innocent to believe such a big liar even till the day he told others of his medical condition - genuine???
He could have done something huge even at the last minute against ADOS and feigned sickness to escape blame should what he did be exposed later this mess and wickedness be irreparable, too bad for ADOS and ASC. You all don't believe me and AVCF would not be around to be accountable as his scam is damn crazy!!! His greed has got the better of him. Joshua
update at 8.10am after yesterday 324 pages views and a day earlier it was 432..
So it is a catch22 matter and whatever it is good news for ADOS.
update 7.39am 22 oct 2013 (pages views yesterday @432 and today 313) very impressive and indicative
Any news from the Hospital in Singapore about his "urgent" chemotherapy" possibly done yesterday Monday? How is he? Still alive? Has God spoken to him? It is good to be in pain and then hear God properly and not to think of other vices!!!!
Update 9.07pm 21/10/13
Where and when can AVCF end?
Many options for him turning in his head:-
1. Bukit Padang Mental Hospital
2. Prison
3. Kokol Prayer Mountain - too lonely there and can become insane too.
4. ARK, Likas for incapacity to work and end up with early retirement.
5. Hospital as an escape to another country.
6. Thailand where he had tested the Visa for evangelists and where there are two places under his personal paid by ADOS.
7. RANSIT where he can preach after depositing RM85,000 for his special PR visa to not many members;
8. London after 'change of identity' where he can preach to foreigners about his very poor children swimming in the river in birthday suit and where he has big fat bank account transfer from Nigeria.
9. To HELL only if he cannot ask God to forgive him after ruining ADOS and God's church.
10. He could be the banker in Hell with his accumulated fortune...
I know many undecided Anglicans are praying that AVCF can go to heaven when all scams end in Singapore Hospital. Did AVCF include this ending in his final chapter of his script?
Update: 3.42pm 21/10/2013
I see some of those few prayers in thetruthasc are actually mocking God when AVCF declared only a couple of weeks ago, he had done anything wrong and that he would not resign as a great sinner like AVCF cannot repent after God had been speaking to him through the concerned members of KK churches, which AVCF and gang rejected. Does anyone now think they are not mocking God when AVCF in all aspects had rejected God because he is "self-anointed" by his words and deed - heard or unheard; done or undone even in his heart? God had given him countless of chances to change his spots like someone called SPOT-on and that is what God is SPOT-ON on AVCF to send him to HELL as the Anglican churches in Sabah especially in KK are all broken and some had closed down and some are on the verge of closing and those new churches are almost empty and that is evangelism of AVCF with a very bad model but famous and infamous with so many wrong items known and unknown. Lets see how many women would be crying if ever pass away or simply disappear into oblivion by change of name!!! The day of reckoning of his private hidden life would be exposed soon unless he confess now.
Why should we pray for others if they are not appreciated although we pray on the urgings of the Holy Spirit? I and Richard Chang did a hospital visit and prayed for a brother more than10 years ago and that brother had a terrible heart problem (I think you know who) and recently many times I met him around the ASC, he did turn his head down or away and is that an attitude to be pleasing to AVCF? Is that NOT mocking God for his brother who took special effort to pray for him on the dead bed? This brother should ask God now. I am not offended at all but God is offended for the body of Christ is broken as I know I have the blessing now and forever. I am writing here to remind others that who can break the WILL of God, no matter how hard we pray but God is God and Let God be God and cannot be bribed by some sweet words from a blackened heart? God's way is much greater than our way. Anyway no harm trying again and again as it is going change ourselves in prayers...Joshua
Update at 4.45am-
This item of the PAIN of avcf in this blog is attracting much readership (for what I do not know as I don't get LIVE information from the Hospital), the numbers of pages reviewed are shooting up even in the wee hours today, and thank you for all your concern to be placed in the RIGHT perspective. Go on praying as we must do...You can see the statistics of the pages review by clicking the "Overview" on the top left of the index ..Joshua
Update 4.24am 21 October, 2013
This true story
of my Father-in-law case with the hospital went on for sometime after his death
in 1986.
My wife as the
daughter of the deceased wanted to see the hospital medical report but was
rejected outright by the local doctor who recommended FIL’s case to Singapore and so we wrote to Singapore for
the said report and was also rejected as the mother only had the right to the
So we engaged a
lawyer to handle the case with the lawyer of the doctors (via my mother in low) both local and the Singapore one.
FIL actually
died in QEH and we also was rejected the complete reports from both local and Singapore’s
With some
protests we managed to get brief QEH’s
report but was inaccurate.
In the process
of the two lawyers handling this case, our lawyer (A) was asked by the lawyer
(B) representing the doctors to drop the case and that was unethical.
So we lodged a
complaint to the Sabah Law Association which quickly convened a 3 men tribunal
to resolve the unethical case.
All the lawyers
and the doctors (except the Singapore
one) are still around KK. This true
story should jog their memory.
At the SLA’s tribunal, the lawyer B upon presentation of some
documents by us was found guilty within the first sitting of half hour for
unethical practice. What happened to
lawyer B after the case is unknown? Was
lawyer B disqualified?
Later we got
the fake Hospital Report after complaining to the Prime Minister Lee KY.
It was too
costly and time consuming to pursue further and our effort paid off with the
fact fully established.
mistreatment/ wrong diagnosis of the dead person (unfortunate sadness in this
tragedy) and the money cheated was established beyond doubt.
I hope my
sharing of this testimony can have a strong bearing of AVCF case also likely
questioned now with all the material facts before us. We need to get to the truth.
In my FIL’s
case, we should raised the issue of the fake surgery on the chest claimed to
have been done without any mark when he was hospitalized in QEH for some months
prior his premature death.
The suspicion
of the fake surgery (never done) was alerted by a case in the local newspaper
which showed a patient also operated in Singapore’s hospital with a very
long scare across body when it was supposed to remove a fish bone stuck with
the throat. So that picture alerted me
to my FIL’s case when my FIL did not have any scare and that was a few months
after my FIL burial. So we decided to
call for full medical reports from all the doctors concerned.
See the bother
Update 7.36pm --
I believe some of you could have noticed cheating by the hospital in Singapore if you have family members going there for treatment. Some of you could be cheated without knowing it and the legal process could be long winded. So anything can happen to the TPW AVCF - a mastermind of scams to run down ADOS in so many ways, and even if we notice it we may not have the locus standi to fight the case except to lodge complaint to the Police and the PM of Singapore, but it is definitely a tedious effort when we have crooks and criminals in ADOS and God I pray you would end all these burden quickly as the purpose of your church on earth is to spread the Gospel of Christ but God's money cannot be misused for the wrong purposes. So I appeal to the Standing Committee not to give in to pay any thing to the hospital without all the proper documents which should be scrutinised by the Synod. Of course, AVCF himself pay for all fees and Anglicans restrain from giving money when in doubt and to avoid the scams of AVCF and his gang already known. I am at this stage trying to be a whistleblower for the latest developments which sound strange for such short notice as those involved would be sure that their conspiracy would be hidden forever.
Anglicans have been cheated by AVCF so many times and sort of resolved by crocodile tears which unfortunately does not work any more and so the latest effort would work again for the biggest liar.
Update at 4.30pm and also posted in thetruthasc --
As far as I am concerned, it is a great lie like crocodile tears and scared that the spirit-filled members at ASC would find out the truth of this sort of scam to get sympathy and donations from Anglicans near and far.
Which hospital and where is the Hospital Report.
If it is a Singapore hospital, it is likely the same hospital that cheated my father-in-law and the family of a few hundred thousand ringgit for a fake operation that was never done. my fil passed away a few years later. The cheating would go on on the desperate fools aplenty around.
I brought up this case with LKY and half of the hospital was closed a few years later. The hospital also gave a fake medical report as proven by missing words and the incorrect age of amended medical report of another patients. Just change the name..
The doctor in KK who recommended fil to that hospital knew about the rich sons he had and so this can also happen with avcf likely financed by the millions in ADOS.
Unless we view the Hospital medical report, we should investigate as lies by avcf and his gang have aplenty.
post in thetruthasc ---
If AVCF is really sick and almost dying, it is a price he has to pay for his sin and crimes in ADOS for more than twenty years socalled serving God.
One thing now is that we need to see the Hospital's medical report before the church can do anything for him.
There are the upside and downside of this case so suddenly exposed in such ways.
When I wanted to serve him the Writ of Summon on 23rd July, 2012 and the Court Order under Anton Piller, S. Foo told that let God punish him, and although I disagree at that time, and now with the incurable attack, is this God's Will for him as the 'anointed' one. That is the upside of the impasse.
The downside can be various like the ADOS may incur much fund to pursue treatment even it is hopeless.
Why not look to God in Christ first rather than go to the hospital without announcing it to the church?
We need to take this latest tale with a big spot of salt. Sorry to say that.
We know the character of AVCF through and through especially with recent vendetta as pancreatic cancer does not develop overnight, and it can be a scam - another one too many for the Great Liar.
Like Thomas, he asked Jesus to show him the scar of crucifixion, we Anglicans need to know the full details before AVCF be given any assistance. Isn't this another crocodile tear in his script written since his childhood?
Visit him and pray for him, but do not forget if it is God's Will, the end of AVCF with this name is very near.
God bless all Anglicans in Sabah & beyond with the close of a chapter of AVCF.
Friday, October 18, 2013
242. Judgement on AVCF?
the Lord for the celebration of the 1st year anniversary of Sulaman
Anglican Church and 1st confirmation service on 13 October 2013. 6
people were confirmed and there is great anticipation of further growth
in all their ministries. God is good!
Sorry friends,
I am unable to post here the smses I received from supporters of avcf asking for prayers to stop his "PAIN", but God can do that... Joshua
update on 21/10 at 4.33am --
On Sat, Oct 19, 2013 at 11:31 AM, RXXXXX HXXX wrote:
did you hear about it ? did you hear he is now in singapore having chemotherapy treatment ?
My reply ---
Oct 19 (2 days ago)
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Yes, an ex anglican priest sms me about the same thing.Joshua
Oct 19 (2 days ago)
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Can you use your resources and contacts to find out ? If you go the ASC tomorrow, you may be able to get more information.
latest update:-
I will start another blog dedicated to the end of AVCF as it is indeed very exciting as God's Will for AVCF. Joshua
I received an anonymous email and (update) now an SMS asking for prayers -
BAV is having treatment in Singapore for Pancreatic cancer..
Whether this is true or not, we must have the full Hospital Report before any entitlement of avcf be allowed.
This can be a scam in view of the December 3rd, 2013 possibly some judgment from the Courts.
No money from ADOS as it would be too expensive for the treatment normally a very high charge.
If Lapok had sacked him last year, then ADOS would not have this burden purely his own personal problem.
Why no announcement for prayers to Jesus for FOC like I do everyday..
Surprising for myself, I had a difficult night Thursday and at 5am after sleeping only two hours, an evil voice rang out very clearly "You are going to die now" and I called out in my Spirit loudly "Jesus" and I came out alive and very active too till now Saturday.
AVCF does not believe Jesus can heal him as the "anointed" for FOC and no more trouble with chemotherapy??
241. AVCF supports ALLAH court case
I know that AVCF supports the Court Case on Allah as he stated so at the ASC AGM 2009.
So now what is his view when the Court of Appeal came up with that Banned Word?
I have witnessed the Banner put up by ASC in the time of Dean Koo about 2000 with the word
The banner placed at the entrance/ wall of ASC to promote a Bahasa Malaysia church event was folded at the place where the word ALLAH appeared making the whole banner meaningless.
ASC is next to the Karamunsing Police Station and who could have done it when it was not apparent that ALLAH was not allowed. There was no Court ruling then.
Was that act a disrespect to the Christians in the context of freedom of worship?
So now what is his view when the Court of Appeal came up with that Banned Word?
I have witnessed the Banner put up by ASC in the time of Dean Koo about 2000 with the word
The banner placed at the entrance/ wall of ASC to promote a Bahasa Malaysia church event was folded at the place where the word ALLAH appeared making the whole banner meaningless.
ASC is next to the Karamunsing Police Station and who could have done it when it was not apparent that ALLAH was not allowed. There was no Court ruling then.
Was that act a disrespect to the Christians in the context of freedom of worship?
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
240. AVCF should be dealt with like this
View Comments (1010)
another reply ---
German bishop under fire for spending goes to Rome
BERLIN (AP) -- A German bishop under fire for lavish spending traveled to Rome on Sunday for talks at the Vatican, church officials said, placing his future in the hands of a pope who has espoused a simple lifestyle.
Allegations of lavish spending by the Rev. Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst, bishop of Limburg, have stirred controversy among Roman Catholics in the country where Martin Luther launched the Reformation five centuries ago in response to what he said were excesses and abuses within the church.
A spokesman for the diocese of Limburg, Martin Wind, told the German news agency dpa that Tebartz-van Elst was meeting with church officials in Rome but gave no further details. German media said he made the trip aboard a budget airline.
Pope Francis himself has followed a modest lifestyle and encouraged other church leaders to do the same.
In a statement Sunday, the Limburg diocese said the bishop was "concerned about the escalation of the current discussion" and regrets the suffering of "many of the faithful in the diocese and beyond" due to the "current situation."
"It is obvious to the bishop that the decision on his episcopal ministry in Limburg lies in the hands of the Holy Father," the statement added.
German media say the controversy has split the 24 million-member Catholic community at a time when the church is struggling with diminishing numbers of followers.
German bishop under fire for spending in Rome for talks with Vatican officials
BERLIN (AP) -- A German bishop under fire for lavish spending traveled to Rome on Sunday for talks at the Vatican, church officials said, placing his future in the hands of a pope who has espoused a simple lifestyle.
Allegations of lavish spending by the Rev. Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst, bishop of Limburg, have stirred controversy among Roman Catholics in the country where Martin Luther launched the Reformation five centuries ago in response to what he said were excesses and abuses within the church.
A spokesman for the diocese of Limburg, Martin Wind, told the German news agency dpa that Tebartz-van Elst was meeting with church officials in Rome but gave no further details. German media said he made the trip aboard a budget airline.
At the center of the
controversy is the 31 million euro ($42 million) price tag for the
construction of a new bishop's residence complex and related
renovations. Tebartz-van Elst told the Bild newspaper that the bill was
actually for 10 projects and there were additional costs because of
regulations on buildings under historical protection.
Last week, Hamburg prosecutors asked a court to levy an
unspecified fine against the bishop for false testimony in a case he
filed against Der Spiegel magazine, which reported he had flown first
class to India to visit poor children. The bishop insisted he had flown
business class.
Pope Francis himself has followed a modest lifestyle and encouraged other church leaders to do the same.
In a statement Sunday, the Limburg diocese said the bishop was "concerned about the escalation of the current discussion" and regrets the suffering of "many of the faithful in the diocese and beyond" due to the "current situation."
"It is obvious to the bishop that the decision on his episcopal ministry in Limburg lies in the hands of the Holy Father," the statement added.
German media say the controversy has split the 24 million-member Catholic community at a time when the church is struggling with diminishing numbers of followers.
"It hurts me because of the
impression that wasting money is a core feature of the Church," Julia
Kloeckner, deputy chairwoman of Chancellor Angela Merkel's party, told
the Berlin newspaper Tagesspiegel.
Share this
one of the comments --
22 hours ago
I used to be on my parish council as the
Treasurer. I managed the books. Until one day, I came across a
completely separate set of books with enormous sums of money. When I
questioned the priest, he told me that I had mistakenly been handed the
"closed" books. That is the money that the church takes in but does not
allow the public to know about. I asked what the money was used for
and was told that it was none of my business. I resigned as Treasurer.
Expand Replies (8)
15 hours ago
So did this wake up all you holier-than-thou
church goers? Never understood how stupid people were/are to just keep
handing over more4 and more money! Where else did you think this money
was actually going? it goes right in their pockets. Probably 99% of
priests are nothing more than thieves themselves(as well as perverts and
sexually active with all the sisters/nuns). They live very well in
comfort, drive or are driven in luxury and don't ever wonder where there
next meal will come from. Next time the "bread basket" is passed - say
no thank you. (same as you should do with the other bread basket at the
restaurant!) But just keep thinking the more I give the more I will be
saved - HA!
Chunky Monkey
16 hours ago
Religion is a sham/scam and nothing more. This
just proves that these religious charlatans are only interested in your
money so they can by expensive material things they preach to us we do
not need.
Thus mansion should be turned into a housing unit for the poor and needy. That is what donated money to church is suppose to be going to. Helping the poor and indigent folks in need.
This man should be stoned to death as the bible says about those that are charlatans and mislead their flocks of sheeple.
more from Vatican --
Pope Francis replaces scandal-hit cardinal with diplomat for top Vatican post
Thus mansion should be turned into a housing unit for the poor and needy. That is what donated money to church is suppose to be going to. Helping the poor and indigent folks in need.
This man should be stoned to death as the bible says about those that are charlatans and mislead their flocks of sheeple.
more from Vatican --
Pope Francis replaces scandal-hit cardinal with diplomat for top Vatican post
239. Why ADOS support the ALLAH court case?
Allah and its implications of herald in malaysia.
I do not intend to dwell on the religious or
spiritual aspects of the word ALLAH.
If I go into that that would be too voluminous
and also a bit complex as who is God vis-à-vis ALLAH.
It is endless to debate or discuss the word
ALLAH and there are many forums especially in the Internet.
So I would like to simply say how it would
affect Malaysians in general and Malaysians in Sabah and Sarawak
with regards to rights constitutional or otherwise.
Does our Malaysian constitution protect all Malaysians
or not irrespective our race and our religions?
Does our Malaysian constitution really protect
our people in respect to race vis-à-vis religion?
Can anyone tell me how this constitution that
states that Muslims are Malay and Malay are Muslims with regards to race? If Malay is a race, how can Islam a religion
make a person a Malay race simply by the Constitution? If Malay is a race, can Islam the religion of
Muslim make any other race to be Malay by embracing Islam? Who is God here when God created the human
race? Be reminded that the people who
now call themselves Malay were Hindu worshippers before Islam reached the
shores of Malaya.
I think most religions if ever there is such a
word belonging to God as God has nothing to do with religions. Who can tell me why God is so divided by so
many religions we have today on earth if religions have anything to do with God. Religion is defined by a belief in God but
there are people who make everything they believe in as God or god. So religion has various meanings and one of
them can be directed to God. But God
cannot be divided within Himself even in the ONE Trinity God. So if religion has something to do with God,
then there can only be one such religion to be genuine. What we sometimes see is that several major
religions are linked to certain races by certain localities.
So religions created by man have divided God
based on various understandings. but
there is only one God, one heaven, one hell, one earth, one race – the human
race and one world. How are various
major religions to divide the heaven, the hell, the earth, the human race and
the world?
So from the beginning when God created the
earth and the universe, God was in unity with the human race as created by God
as God created man in His image.
Instead today we see so much divisions
including dividing God into various names including Allah and claim Allah with
the sole proprietary rights to the Muslims in Malaysia holding onto the religion
Islam. Logically who can understand this
Most Christians hold the understanding of the
ONE Trinitarian God while Islam considers a single God. Anything wrong with this is not for us to
decide as God is beyond us but we have adequate data to show such existence in
the case of the God according to the Holy Bible.
Another aspect of the Malaysian constitution is
that Islam is the official religion while all people can have total freedom of
worship without any restriction.
So when the Appeal Court banned the use of Allah in
the Herald publication printed in Kuching, is that not restriction when Allah
is simply a word for universal application like all English words?
Without restriction simply means Christians
worship their God in BM services by whatever name including Allah and Muslims
worship their God also by whatever name and in this case it is also Allah
As it is public knowledge that Allah predated
Islam, then in true justice it is for the Christians to restrict the Muslims to
use ALLAH and instead in Malaysia
it is the other way round. Why should
this be so? Nobody can be confused
except that God is confused with what we do trivially.
Christians are in the world to do mission for God
and never could they find themselves in this struggle over Allah until the
Federal Court with more agitation possibly endless in Malaysia. Muslims in Malaysia are also in mission to
promote Islam but such agitation is definitely a divergent.
There are some quarters in great enthusiasm
after the ban for Allah in HERALD by the Appeal Court declared that they will
make sure churches in Malaysia especially in Sabah and Sarawak do not use ALLAH
in anything and would take appropriate action if found in violation of the
Appeal Court’s decision.
Honestly speaking, I would not know how the
extreme Muslim groups go about checking/policing the churches without going into the churches which are normally out of bound for
Muslims for a known reason but churches are open to all to worship God.
So to cut the matter short to avoid any more
conflict and best respect to the Appeal
Court’s ruling and the HERALD being the focus of
this struggle over Allah maybe telling the good news of the end of Malaysia with the separation of Sabah including
Labuan and Sarawak from the disjointed
partnership since 9th of August, 1965. Hence the HERALD has the very good news for
the end of Malaysia
in 2013 – the Golden Jubilee year of change.
Lets us draw up a comprehensive separation agreement – The HERALD
Separation Agreement.
Joshua Y. C. Kong 15th of October, 2013
Monday, October 14, 2013
238. Bishopgate & DNA
update 30 Oct, 2013 -Who was the real rapist of the minor in ASC ground? Joshua
BISHOPGATE – DNA (see the portion at the end)
This is a true
story and a most stupid one as it concerned a very senior retired police
Sorry, age had
caught up with this family.
Not a fairly
tale but true.
The senior
retired police officer (SRPO) had a young ‘adopted’ teenage daughter – haus
(given name).
Someone once
known as soh see yee (SSY) and now no more with many identity cards of project
Someone had
died in a very tragic wee hour traffic accident in Luyang carrying the IC of
SSY hence SSY was declared dead. I
believe that I witnessed that body in a black body bag placed in a stretcher
waiting for the ambulance and the police after the fire brigade had retrieved
that corpse from the accident on a sunday morning in the late 1990s. I was on the way to the church. What was surprising was that the fire
brigade’s fire fighting vehicle was parked by the road side’s kerb waiting for
‘something’ after done the job. This
tragedy was not reported in the newspapers.
why? SSY had that script written
for him to do more evil in society and this evil can be linked to the story in
three pages by kan yaw chong published in
daily express of 13th October, 2013 on the rising heinous crimes in Sabah.
So the dead man
walking SSY continued with his crimes in society with many more ics which is
the fundamental reason that ssy continues to be menace with many faces under
the covers of project Ics.
Back to the
story of the crime by ssy on the srpo.
It is not the
ghost of ssy but the real person of ssy.
ssy has many
and possibly countless illegitimate children from many stupid women in town
for more then two decades as ssy had
been the rapist and a sex maniac.
ssy had this
script written for this sex crime and it did work on the case of srpo.
ssy used one of
his teenage sons (idius) to be friend with the teenage daughter Haus.
SSY was the
driver who would ferry idius and haus on many dates using luxurious vehicles to
impress on srpo and his family. Srpo and
his family had no objection because the driver ssy had access to many expensive
and luxurious vehicles daily giving the impression that ssy was the rich man
and idius was the very rich man’s son.
After several
dates, ssy raped the haus and blamed it on idius for the pregnancy. so a short gun marriage was arranged between idius
and haus.
Soon after the
birth of the illegitimate child Manas, the marriage of idius and haus was
dissolved leaving the teenage daughter haus with Manas in the family of srpo. So SSY continues with his crimes of all sort
because he needs to find the money to feed his grievous habits and his many
extended families where the many teenage children were trained by ssy to be in
the world of crimes.
So are we not
in dangerous times now and years to come?
So I want to
draw a similar scenario with ADOS and ASC where a rape on a minor was
unreported by the bishop cum dean in 2012.
That alleged rape incident happened in the children camp at asc ground
and the story goes that a teenage son of the pastor raped the teenage girl and
the case was settled with the parents of the teenage rape victim promptly.
Who do you
think should report to the police – bishop/dean and parents of the teenage son
and teenage daughter?
Who do you
think did the settlement with the parents of the rape victim? The story goes that bishop/dean settled the
alleged rape with the parents of the rape victim. How? It
is not known. Was church money involved?
If this story is not correct, we all
stand to be corrected. If the story is
correct, then why should the bishop/dean cover up this crime? bishop and dean should lodge a police report
for this heinous crime so that the accused should be in jail for some very good
years. So why the cover up? Two wrongs do not make a right.
Now it is known
that a child had been added to the pastor’s family. True???
So based on the
case of ssy as a parallel, it is likely a scapegoat was made.
So who was the
real culprit or rapist in this case? Guess work is obvious the big man.
This story is
in this blog and other blogs.
Unless a
confession is forthcoming to resolve the crime in the proper perspective, it is
now that DNA of the criminals and the victim of the crime plus the illegitimate
child with the pastor’s family be done immediately.
Let true justice
be done in the name of God.
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