Tuesday, September 24, 2013

231. Are AVCF and gangs not CRIMINALS?

The teaching from our Lord Jesus is very clear with regard to recognising our sins and sincerely ask for forgiveness. Gospel of Luke 23 v 39-43. ” One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at Him; Aren’t you the Christ? Save yourself and us!. But the other criminal rebuked him. Don’t you fear God, he said, since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong. Then he said, Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom. Jesus answered him, I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise. ”
The criminal has accepted Christ as a sinless man and ask Jesus for his forgiveness. Even at the eleventh hour Jesus guarantee him a place in paradise. I believed the other criminal is condemned into hell because he did not agree to his wrong deeds and also insulted Jesus. So, if a brother or sister who is so arrogrant and proud not to recognise the factual evidences and truth of his/her wrong deeds, Jesus is not going to forgive him/her until death. Jesus is merciful and will be merciful where it is properly due. It is very very clear and no double standard or deviation. Amen.

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Peter, Amen for your post.
So why are we still AVCF an unrepentent person full of vengeance as at CCL recently despite 6 months of wasteful Sabbatical leave at great expense of ADOS and members of ADOS still the Bishop.
AVCF is so contagious and even possessed by Satan to cause others like people in the same boat – BL, JY, Meltar T, Moses T, H Tong, M Tong, S Foo, CSF, YTC and many others to fall to be in hell unless all of them repent before Jesus.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

230. What is on in the High Court?

from thetruthasc.wordpress.blog.com

senior citizen
What the Bishop did was like running as a sole proprietor of a small Kedai Runcit Chong Vui & Herbet’s endosement of no lost of money is like Albert’s cardinal right in helping himself to the day taking/sales from the right pocket to put into his left pocket.
However, may I remind all our Bishops, Bishop Commissary & Rev. Philip Lo, ADOS does not belongs to Albert Vun Chong Fui, John Yeo & Philip Lo. Neither did it belongs to Herbert Tong.
What Albert Vun is just pushing his luck too far & we shall wait for the decision day from the Court House on December 3rd.
Albert, John, Philip & Herbet your days of hide & seek with the court of law is deminishing by the day.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

229. Message for Malaysia

MESSAGE or massage for our leaders and people

It is indeed a great moment to write this message for the Golden anniversary of Malaysia.

Undoubtedly the nation is going through a very hazardous era in recent years with many unexplained
And unproven shootings of people for whatever reasons and now the nation is under the spell of gangsterism so much so that the Police is going all out suddenly to war against the gangsters and secret societies under operation code-named Ops Cantas Khas (Operation against terrorists).

While many were worried in the formative years of the early 1960s about the regional giants namely Indonesia and Philippines so much so that Sabah was pushed into the formation of Malaysia which happened 50 years ago on 16th of September, 1963, the recent few decades of ironic developments by giving citizenships to 1-2 millions unqualified foreigners including illegal aliens entering Sabah coaxed by the several generations of socalled Sabah leaders and national leaders is actually handing over the sovereignty and integrity of Sabah as well as Malaysia into the hands of these foreigners beyond belief.

So for Sabah, it is neither here nor there as far as sovereignty, security and justice is concerned as the Federal policies are dicing with sort of unjustified apartheid and denied ethnic cleansing.   

With the initiated Royal Commission of Inquiry on Illegal Immigrants Sabah (RCIIIS) and hearings in the High Court at Kota Kinabalu started on 14th of January, 2013 and soon ending on 20th of September, 2013, much hope for the TRUTH  was dashed when the ex Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir testified in the Commission’s hearing on 11th of September, 2013 denied everything about the Project IC and Project Mahathir.  It is indeed a great disappointment for the GOLDEN jubilee normally a year of change for the better.  Hopefully, the ex Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim would put the record straight on the very important matter on 19th of September, 2013 when he would appear before  the RCIIIS.  The fact that the RCIIIS conducted in the jubilee year is already sort of blessing for corrective measures in Sabah and Malaysia for the first official Federal initiated RCI happening in Sabah.  Let the Jubilee ‘joy’ be ‘ruined’ or ‘burden’ not be made heavier by sort of distorted minds bent on lies and half truths. Let the Project IC and Project Mahathir be shined out into the TRUTH now without any further delay.

Let this message be to all Malaysians in Sabah, Sarawak, Peninsula Malaysia, Labuan and beyond.
Malaysia has a whole host of issues without any solution even after 50 years and such issues are endless with matching endless possibilities.   That is the real challenge for all Malaysians.

For Sabah in particular, the problems can be attributable to national policies bias against Sabah and Sarawak right from the day of 16th of September, 1963 resulting in lopsidedness in everything you can name.  There are many reasons for this malaise in Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia but one key reason is that all key leaders must be born locally and not naturalized citizens according to the Constitution.  Would all living present and past leaders present their birth certificates and also DNA for public exhibits?  Those dead past leaders should have the birth certificates in the Archive.  Like a rotten fish, the head rots first and such impacts are relevant to Governance.

Economy is another area to be addressed nationwide but what can anyone deal with a scenario of near bankruptcy for various past developments as flows:-

  1. We know who have ‘stolen’ so much money in Malaysia and siphoned off in 23 years of rule when I calculate the figure in excess of RM400billions.  This robbery is also continued by the subsequent leaders.
  2. The confirmed failure of very costly program of New Economic Policy and the distorted results by several billionaires being proxies for the corrupted leaders hence distorted the racial distribution of wealth.
  3. Our economy has been resources based and excessive lopsided exploitation resulted in irreversible re-structuring of the economy in a competitive world when value of our resources had been artificially low.
  4. All development plans had been mismanaged with large junks of financial resources diminished by official corruption.
  5. With so much official corruption albeit denied, there is really no real business that can generate the desired growth to feed the increasing population including massive aliens in Sabah and beyond.

On the wee hours of the day after polling on 5th May, 2013 being the General Election 13, Najib asked “what the Chinese want?”  The question was met with a ‘firestorm’ from some quarters.  Why did not he ask “What the Malay want?” when BN/UMNO did not win the majority votes from all races of Malaysia including the Malays has also forsaken BN/UMNO to a certain degree.  Before the dust has really settled in September, 2013 Najib faced with a daunting task to retain UMNO’s leadership decided to ‘reward’ the Malays and the Bumiputra another sort of economic  ‘bailout’ on the eve of the Golden anniversary of Malaysia.  Is this what the Malays and the Bumiputra really want?  Isn’t this another extension of the ‘walking stick’ when the last one since 1970 is so easily forgotten like Dr Mahathir once said “Malays forgets easily”.  Are they getting a Golden walking stick or only some would exploit this new measure again to enrich themselves at the expense of the poor and desperate when we know such well intended effort would not reach the target groups in the remote areas?

The world is going through a very difficult time and Malaysia is no exception.  Is there really any solution to the global malaise? Would ‘humbleness’ alone be an ingredient towards solution soon?  Would we like to define ‘humbleness’ if this effort can bring about some changes especially in the elite factions in Malaysia?  Before any ‘humbleness’ can impact society, the massive ill gotten gains must be returned to the public domain for a rejuvenation and invigoration of the nation and its society.

No matter what, let us celebrate the GOLDEN Jubilee of Malaysia and lets pray for a new beginning in the nation.

Lets break the chain of the past and the people are set free, and really free to move forward for a better tomorrow.


Joshua Kong

Thursday, September 12, 2013

228. Watch out for the evil modus operandi

AVCF is ongoing with his modus operandi since he became a priest in Good Samaritan Church, Kepayan in 1985.

AVCF is surely making it very rich as a Bishop in 'wolf' skin to make up for the little he had in his childhood -naked in the river.  That is how he is now serving God in 'nakedness' of the exposed crimes and yet he stays on after fooling so many including those greedy HOB of SEA.

So AVCF is indeed very successful to cheat God and the people of God with his modus operandi to make it the richest bishop in the world.

So would Jesus ever call you OUT of the church ?  Yet AVCF claims to be serving God and a 'sincere' disciple of Jesus Christ, our Saviour and our Lord and yet AVCF would shout at his sheep to leave the church if the sheep does not like him and the church under him.

By shouting at the sheep, he is trying to reduce the number of sheep and beneficiaries of the church's wealth if ever ADOS would collapse by the evil deeds clothed in white, and then the small group led by the satanic AVCF would grab all the wealth and assets of ADOS after more than a century with Labuan parish as old as 162 years.

Have you considered the real value of all the assets of ADOS?  I think it is in the region of RM1-2 billions as most of the assets are in urban areas.

So don't let AVCF chase anyone out but stay put in ADOS to see the ending of the ADOS likely very soon.

We all know that the attendance in KK churches are very down rather than going up since 2006 as AVCF had his plan to chase many away since he came to KK.

He tasted the water of scams in Good Sam and then went on to SPC to do likewise and be richer still and so when he arrived in KK, his modus operandi was fully in place to be richer still.

Now he is still in his dream to mislead others when members are deserting the church and deceive his bosses that membership is still growing fast when it is dwindling.

So he knows the sheep only can delay his final moves but he needs the blessing of his bosses to stay in office as the sole trustee.

When AVCF does his final moves the sheep remaining would be much fewer and then he and his gangs of a few hundred would grab all and he would grab the most as he would not show any accounts as usual.

So my advice to present members to stay put and make every effort to remove AVCF as quickly as possible so he would NOT destroy ADOS for his greed.

   UPDATED 21 Sep 2013

AVCF has this evil and desperate move already in action and this is not only now especially when situations become tough - cashwise.

Do you know how much ADOS needs to get to pay all the priests and pastors and the three bishops plus other overheads  ?

Must be millions of Ringgit every year.

With the much reduced tithing and donations into the main churches in KK including ASC, cash would soon be  not enough and that would be time when the existing resources especially those still in the bank would be run down to satisfy his ego to stay on in ADOS but surely and slowly ruin Christ’s churches.  then sell the church's land/ properties.. and this can go on...until...???

when parishioners struggle with the known greedy and unrepentant bishop, the churches/ Ados sure to suffer.

so why allow this to go on?

remove avcf now as he is the root of our problems possibly for a long time already especially now it is exposed of his evil modus operandi and now more and more people within and without already know his way to stay most stupid and unforgivable.

My friends in Christ, it is no longer the issue of ‘anointed’ but we have to deal with the criminals in ados especially those preaching greed and the problematic house of celebration to be abandoned and yet want to be revived by avcf – another most stupid project.

God has already spoken many times and what are we waiting for?

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

227. The LIES of great LIARS AVCF and HT

Thursday, 29 August 2013
Message from the Bishop's Commissary
Message from the Bishop’s Commissary

All those lies of the writer and Herbert Tong and yet it is posted here
Anglican Diocese of Sabah
          This is the official & factual communication from the Diocesan Office. We do not welcome response.
      Service of Thanksgiving to Welcome Bishop Albert Vun from his Sabbatical LeaveWednesday, September 04, 2013 8:42 AM


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

226: Anyone know Helena of SPC?

Please tell me something so that I can tell you this ---

This is another miracle where Christ has conquered evil of AVCF
in the only very expensive house available.
The 4 days notice was evil.
So Praise the Lord for He has overcometh.


Sunday, September 8, 2013

225. Some of the illegal acts of CRIMINAL avcf

Retired teacher, another retired teacher and many concerned members,

Any thing is possible with AVCF and his gang in 'endless possibilities" with the help of some special women and the SC etc etc.
The list of illegal things done by AVCF is endless and some of you already posted them -
1.  Illegal Kokol Prayers Summit and used without OC and AVCF can blame the owner (not Anglican) for the illegal use in September 2010.
2.  Who actually authorised the purchase of Sulaman Church building which has been empty except top floor for more than a year with the ADOS losing much money or God's money;  illegal purchase?
3.  Somebody was told AVCF donated his family land in Menggatal to ADOS but it was actually sold for almost RM1m to rob God and cheat God and people in both ways and so it is illegal deal with the sole trustee buying own land at a high price.
4.  The Synod 2012 was illegal not complying with the notices etc and without proper accounts 2010 and 2011 and AVCF was in suspension of Court Order.
5.  The Synod 2012 also passed three resolutions without proper notices and conveyed those illegal resolutions to the SEA HOB to trick them. Rev KT, please confirm the illegal resolutions.
6.  The legal Kindergarten was illegally closed down with much sufferings to the parents and the very young children.
7.  The RM30m House of Celebration at ASC ground was illegally launched by AVCF and BL when AVCF was in suspension of Court Order.
8.  The illegal transfer of RM85,000 to Thailand.
9.  The illegal purchases of properties using ADOS money and registered in AVCF's name.
10. The illegal claim to the Rangsit Outreach Center when it is owned by Singapore Diocese.
11.  Ordain an unqualified pastor to be priest hence illegal action;
12.  Let an unqualified pastor to stay in the Deanery for 6 years like a thief.
13.  Was the principal of ASAA qualified?
14.  Illegal transfer of the ASAA under All Saint Cathedral to the ADOS in 2010 together
with illegal transfer of RM100k plus to ASAA from ASC funds.

over to others to add on.especially those illegal acts in SPC 1990 to 2006.

Joshua Kong

also posted in thetruthasc.wordpress.com

Saturday, September 7, 2013

224. Who had committed murders in ADOS?

This is a real story while we do read them in Courts, law books, penal codes and the Bible.

What are the consequences of murders amongst human beings?

Have any murders being committed by anyone including AVCF by himself or proxies?

I heard about black magic in church circles?  What black magic when black magic can also kill at times?

Do you think it is really a SIN to kill by whatever methods direct or indirectly known or unknown?

So be careful as the Bible has warned us of the evil as even in the hearts of the desire of killing others is a major sin.

So stay clear off all evil be it killing or cursing someone to die.

HT did a very good job cursing others and laughing at his own jokes at the pulpit.

So this is true story before my eyes in my own home.

I have two bitches.  The younger bitch also the daughter of the older bitch gave birth to three puppies on 15 January, 2013.

We were not at home and when we returned home that morning we saw the dead puppy with the older bitch.  The younger bitch was in the birth delivery space to guard the attack on the other two puppies.

So till today the younger bitch has not forgiven lest forgotten the attack on the puppy of the younger bitch so much so the younger bitch would attack the older bitch whenever they come to meet each other.

I have separated them into different areas but somehow they would meet and the younger bitch would attack the older bitch.

So this is the message from heaven about MURDER as indicated by the hatred between the two bitches.

So we want to play down any murder within the church environment?

Confessions would be useless as it is MORTAL sin.

So our church would have to expose those involved with MURDER in one way or another.

Don't blame SATAN for murder but our own lusts and consequences of lusts.

Joshua Kong

223. Impact of Labuan for Anglicans Sabah

I was born in Labuan 102 years after the missionaries came to Labuan and set up Church of our Holy Saviour, where I was baptised and confirmed.  So this could be the reasons amongst others that I am the one that had taken AVCF to Court to restore the tradition of Anglican Diocese of Sabah being the founders or pioneers of the Anglican Church (our promise land) now destroyed by AVCF. History or His Story or God's story is very important not to be ignored and AVCF should resign now or should have resigned since 2012.  Joshua



About the Anglican Church in Sabah

The Early Days

As early as 1846, a mission organisation
– the Borneo Church Mission Institution
– was founded in England with the specific task of evangelising the island of Borneo.
The first missionaries, led by Francis McDougall, arrived in Sarawak in 1848 (This was 6 years before Hudson Taylor first arrived in China!). Father McDougall was a surgeon by training.
Seven years later, on 18 October 1855, Fr Francis McDougall was consecrated Bishop of Labuan.
The Diocese of Labuan covered a very large area. It included Sarawak, North Borneo (now Sabah), Brunei, Singapore, Malaya (now West Malaysia) and Bangkok.
A large part of the ministry was to provide a chaplaincy to the European expatriates. Work also began among the Hakka Christians from Hong Kong and China. Bishop McDougall wanted to use Labuan as a base to reach out to the Dusuns in the Interior.
The Church of Our Holy Saviour was consecrated in 1866, and has the longest history of any parish in the Diocese of Sabah.
Following the footsteps of Bishop McDougall were scores of missionaries. Some came as priests, and their families. Others came as teachers and medical personnel. Many of them were sent b the United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel (USPG), while others by the Church Missionary Society (CMS). All of them served with the fullest dedication in the midst of every primitive conditions in olden day Borneo. We praise God for every one of them.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

222. Catch AVCF and Catch 22 for HOB Sea



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Already known and facts tested beyond doubt, but how many tens of millions Ringgit have the ADOS lost to the confirmed criminals…
Lets the eyes be open to see and Praise God for His timing…

What has been reported by the blog was only the tip of the iceberg of what the CRIMINALS had taken in broad day light?

Anyone has information on those donation of land and properties to the churches especially in SPC, Tawau and likely ended in private pockets of people like Chris and Pang worth tens of millions Ringgit?

If anyone be part and parcel of robbing the churches and God's  money, then let God deal with them.

But lets look at this concept again.

I know many have written according to the Bible that Christians do not bring Christians let alone a so-called anointed Bishop involved in crimes to the Courts.

Let look at that the many had used the name of God in vain when the bishop is involved with robbing God and a crime God forbids.

Yet we would allow people to express that "let God deal with him".

Many preachers or missionaries would claim they are feet to preach the God's good views/news near and far and so they claim they are doing God's work and that is TRUE.

So what is really wrong when God uses me to bring the bad news of Crimes committed by Bishop to Court to warn others not to do what Judas did?  Why I cannot claim that God also use me to deal with the criminal Bishop for justice?

I tell you the lusty lifestyle of Bishop cannot be changed unless we put him in jail and he will continue to rob God as long as he is allowed to remain in ADOS, and he got to get the money to feed so many mouths.

So continue to pray for the CRIMINALS to come out with confessions...