Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Pray for me in this mission to promised land
Wherever you are, please pray for me and my wife in the next few days..
Thank you,
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
A land deal in the making
A land deal in the making
This is kind of a proposal and some people would believe it is the end of world.
A family is given an option to exchange a piece of prime land of say 7 acres in the city with 40,000 acres of secondary forests out in the wilderness and no money would be involved, would this proposal be acceptable?
The piece of land in the city with some good building can be worth something like RM500m and upwards and it is in great demand in the marketplace.
This option is loaded with an agenda where the person who offer the forest land would expect to grab the 7 acres as cheaply as possible and possibly have some under table deal.
There would appear to be no transparency in this deal.
The crux of the deal is that how much is the value of the forest land with strict restrictions on logging? Even if that land in the wilderness be developed into agriculture purposes, a lot of cash investment would be needed.
The children in the family as beneficiaries of the city land are not even told of this land deal in the making.
The head of this family has an extraordinary power to sign of the land deal.
Similarly, the person who offer this option also has extraordinary power in land deal.
Unfortunately, it boils down to greed on both parties.
So who would be the victims of this socalled scandal to unfold?
The likely victims are quite powerless to block the deal and that is very sad indeed.
Joshua Y C Kong
Friday, June 15, 2012
Re-construction in transition for ADOS
Dear brothers n sisters in Christ,
Who would volunteer if given a chance by God to be
involved with the Re-construction in transition for ADOS
The challenge is huge and worth risking our effort.
For God everything is possible and nothing is too difficult
for God and hence we must prepare ourselves for this special
Please pray about this..
So when the time comes within the week, you are prepared.
Thank you,
In Christ, we are worthy for His service.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Investigation committee from APSEA
What is the latest development?
Have the investigation team supposed to have started
the job on 21 May, 2012 arrived in Sabah on 7th June, 2012.
there is nothing to hide anymore.
Let BISHOPGATE be ended properly.
MIGS-SABAH31 May 2012 06:06 [in]
I would like to congratulate this initiative of the TRUTH to post a blog here on this very important matter.
I would like to know more about the programme of the APSEA in dealing with this BISHOPGATE
within the shortest time possible and three months to get the Advisory Report after investigative process
is too long and the solution maybe subject to challenge.
Is this the equivalent of ECourt? If not then it is still very long process towards the ECourt.
We will still have BAV around for another year or so to do more incredible damages.
Unless BAV is suspended immediately the job of the Investigation can be difficult to get the result
The first thing is the CC project at ASC to be shelved without any obligation to pay costs as the
breaking of ground and launching of CC is at the last leg with lots of costs involved? How much
had been incurred for the CC project so far? It can be millions of Ringgit already committed- please confirm?
I also believe there are much undeclared works in the pipeline here in KK and elsewhere without any other
people knowledge as BAV applies his prerogative power in all matters.
It is already late by 10 days today for the said investigative work to have commenced. I am sorry to say that this will drag on with so many likely interrupted.
A raid on the office should be done as 7 months of the ASC blog had been insulted by the 'onemanshow'
Let the seriousness begins immediately as it is past the decorum in this BISHOPGATE otherwise the whole affair of handling this case looks so weak.
Justice within and without is very expensive. Enough is Enough.
Joshua Y. C. Kong
31 May, 2012 2.30pm
Sunday, June 3, 2012
All Saint Cathedral Constitution
Constitution of The Parish of All Saints Cathedral Kota Kinabalu
Amended 31st March 1996
I. Name and Address
The name of the Parish shall be the Parish of All Saints Cathedral Kota Kinabalu (hereinafter referred to as the Parish). The Postal Address is
P. O. Box 10069, 88801 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.
II. Objects of the Parish
The objects of the Parish are
(a) to proclaim the gospel
(b) to minister to the Parishioners.
(c) to promote Christian fellowship, and
(d) to promote any other activities for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.
III. Area of the Parish
The area of the Parish shall be that defined by the Anglican Bishop of Sabah (hereinafter referred to as the Bishop) but subject to adjustment being made by the Bishop after consultation with the Parish Council of All Saints Cathedral Kota Kinabalu (hereinafter referred in as the Council).
IV. The Parish Register
The Parish Register consisting of all Parishioners shall be prepared and updated by the Secretary of the Council regularly and kept at the Cathedral office. Parishioner shall mean a person who has been baptised or confirmed in the Anglican Church or who is a member of other Christian denomination, worshipping in this Cathedral and admitted by the Bishop.
V. The Council
The affairs of the Parish shall be managed by the Council hereinafter constituted.
VI. The Parish Electoral Roll
1. The Parish Electoral Roll(hereinafter referred to as the Roll) shall be prepared and updated by the Secretary of the Council and kept at the Cathedral office.
2. The persons entitled to have their names entered on the Roll and to vote shall be Parishioners whose names appear in the Parish Register who
(a) are confirmed members of the Anglican Church and also do not belong to any other Christians denomination not in communion with the Anglican church and whose names do not appear in the Electoral Rolls at any other Anglican Parishes.
(b) Shall be 18 years of age and upwards and
(c) have signed the form of application for enrolment where application shall have been approved by the Dean and one other member of the Council.
3. Any member who has left the Parish or who is no longer a worshipper in this parish shall have his or her name deleted from the Roll after due delibaration shall have been aproved by the Council members who names have been deleted may apply for reinstatement.
VII. Annual General Meeting
1. A meeting of all persons whose names are on the Roll (hereinafter referred to as the Annual General Meeting) shall be held annually before the Holy Week and 14 days’s notice shall be given of the intention to hold the meeting.
2. The Annual General meeting shall receive from the Council for consideration and approval
(a) i an annual report on the proceedings of the Council,
ii. The audited Financial Statements of the Parish for the preceding year ending on the 31st December, and
iii a report by the Wardens upon the fabric, goods and ornaments of the Church.
(b) to appoint an auditor who is not a member of the Council
(c) Any other matters of Parish of general Church interests of which not less that 14 days’ notice shall be given by the person or persons desiring to to bring up the matter to the Honorary Secretary of the Council.
3. The Annual General Meeting shall on every alternate year elect-
(a) Three (3) People’s wardens,
(b) Lay Representatives to Council as follows
i. Honorary Secretary
ii. Honorary Treasurer, and
iii. Ten (10) representatives of Congregation.
4. All the members of the Council shall hold office for a term of two (2) years from the date of their election.
5. The Dean shall appoint a Dean’s Warden on every year in which members of the Council are elected in Annual General Meeting.
6. All members of the Council and the Auditor shall be chosen from those whose names appear on the Roll and who are over Twenty one (21) years of age.
7. Nominations of candidtes for election purposes shall be made and closed one week before each annual General meeting in which elections are to be held. Provided that if there shall be insufficient nominees to the available posts, the nominations shall remain open up to the time the election is conducted.
8. An Extraordinary General Meeting open to all persons whose names are on the Roll to consider any specific matter of importance to the Parish may be called at the discretion of the Bishop or the Dean, or at the request of Twenty (20) members of the Electoral Roll within 30 days upon receipt of such a request and after 14 days notice has been given of the intention to call such a meeting. The purpose of the Extraordinary General Meeting shall be mentioned in the notice.
9. Eighty (80) members shall form the required quorum at the Annual or at any Extraordinary General Meeting or at any reconvened General Meeting. In the event of a lack of quorum for the Annual General Meeting or the Extraordinary General Meeting such meeting shall be reconvened within one month from the date of the aborted meeting. In the event of a lack of quorum at the reconvened Extraordinary General Meeting, the meeting shall be deemed to be cancelled.
VIII. Composition of the Council
1. The Council shall consist of
(a) The Dean (or the Rector/or Priest-in-charge) who shall ordinarily be the Chairman,
(b) A Vice Chairman who shall be the Dean’s Warden.
(c) Any other clergy and lay workers licensed by the Bishop to serve in the Parish,
(d) Members elected and appointed as specified in Article VII Clause 3 and Clause 2 of this article
2. The Council once formed may at its discretion co-opt not more than three (3) persons whose name appear on the Roll and who are over twenty-one (21) years of age into the Council and who shall serve as members of the Council for a term until the next elections for members of the Council are held.
3. Any vacancy on the Council caused by resignation, death or otherwise shall be filled by the Council at its subsequent meeting provided due notice has been given on the agenda of the meeting.
IX. Meetings of the Council
1. Meetings of the Council shall be held not less than once a quarter.
2. Fourteen (14) days’ notice shall be given of meetings.
3. In the absence from any meeting of both the Chairman and Vice Chairman the members present shall elect an acting Chairman.
4. At any Council meeting, half the total number of Council members shall form the required quorum.
5. The Chairman shall have a casting vote, in case the voting is equally divided.
6. Any member who absents himself/herself from three consecutive meetings wthout giving satisfactory explanation shall be deemed to have resigned.
7. In case of urgent decision to be taken, the Chairman may at any time convene an Extraordinary Council meeting by giving three clear days’ notice in writing to the members of the Council.
8. The Chairman, when receiving a request signed by not less than half the total number of members of the Council and with due notice shall convene a Council meeting.
9. If the Chairman fails to convene such a meeting within seven days upon receiving such a request and fails to give an explanation which is satisfactory to them, the members making the request may forthwith request the Bishop to convene a meeting.
10. If the Bishop deems such an application to have been made with sufficient cause he shall convene an Extrordinary Council Meeting.
11. The Bishop may chair the Extraordinary Council Meeting or appoint an acting Chairman in his place.
X Committees of the Council
1. The Dean, the Wardens, the Honorary Treasurer and the Honorary Secretary shall be the Executive Committee of the Council.
2. The Executive Committee shall have powers to transact the business of the Council between meetings subject to the financial limitations listed in Article XI, and the expressed policy of the Council.
3. The Council shall have power to appoint Sub-committees for specific purposes and co-opt members from outside the Council to sit on but not to chair the meetings of the Sub-committees.
4. Such Sub-committees shall be answerable to the Council.
5. The Chairman of the Council shall have the right to attend any meetings of the Sub-committees as a full member.
XI Finance
1. The Council shall be responsible for the administration of the Parish finance and shall annually prepare Financial Statements as at 31st December for consideration and approval, and an estimate of revenue and expenditure for the following year for presentation at the Annual General Meeting.
2. The Executive Committee shall be empowered to incur expenditure only within the limits of such approved estimates.
3. The Executive Committee shall if they consider additional expenditure necessary refer such items to the Council for their approval before incurring additional liabilities within the financial resources of the Counci on behalf of the Parish.
4. The Treasurer shall have powers to make payment on behalf of the Parish only within the limits of the estimates approved by the Council.
5. The stipends and allowances of the Parish lay workers and other supporting staff shall be fixed and paid by the Council.
6. The Council may seek discussion with the Bishop on the matter of Parish assessment.
XII Accounts
1. All accounts shall be closed annually on the 31st December and shall be audited by the Auditor.
2. All monies shall be paid into Parish accounts which have been opened in financial institutions approved by the Council.
3. All cheques for payments from Parish accounts shall be signed by two of the following Council members namely the Dean (or the Rector/or Priest-in-charge), the Vice-Chairman, the Honorary Treasurer and the Honorary Secretary, one of whom must be the Dean (or Rector/or Priest-in-charge) or the Honorary Treasurer.
4. The Treasurer of the Council shall circulate to the members of the Council half-yearly statements of the finances of the Parish.
XIII The Duties of the Wardens
The Wardens shall assist the Dean in the ministration of the Parish and in particular to
(a) attend to the seating of Parishioners.
(b) maintain order during service.
(c) arrange for the collection of alms and to supervise the duties of the Sidesmen.
(d) arrange the Church Services and other ministrations when necessary in the absence or indisposition of the Dean.
(e) be responsible for the care and maintenance of the fabric goods and ornaments of the church to the Annual General Meeting.
XIV. Cathedral Chapter (Refer to Diocesan Constitution)
1. The Parish shall carry out the rules and regulations as and when formulated by the Cathedral Chapter.
2. At the first Council meeting after the Annual General Meeting, the Council shall nominate two (2) members from the Council to the Cathedral Chapter.
XV. Amendments
This constitution may be amended supported by the votes of not less than two thirds of the total members present thereof at the Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting provided these meetings have been properly convened and a quorum has been obtained. No amendments so made shall become valid until it has received the written approval of the Bishop.
XVI. Interpretation of the Constitution
In case of any dispute as to the interpretation, meaning of the Articles of this Constitution or any words or expressions contained in such Articles, the interpretation and meaning determined and fixed by the Bishop shall be final and binding.
The Rt. Rev Datuk Yong Ping Chung
Bishop of Sabah (Anglican)
Date: 2nd October, 1996
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